Each time I wish to progress these matters to a point where the main problem would become the way I had started a fight with male society, especially the relentlessly abusive public transport operatives, they get to Media and develop outcomes in which the crowd built up on my doorstep to implement their gimmicks moved it onto a part where we talked about the manner in which I had organised my career to make them take more risks with personal safety – the same home wrecker, gold digger gimmicks where it was entitled to breach my patents and trash my earnings on account it had personal problems and made its own stupid personal decisions, on the basis it had faced a difficult experience where security service operatives worked and this was an example of occasions where they appeared to have encountered a problem that was largely not of their doing, considering that security services were doing work that could not be disclosed to the public at will. So we do come to the stage where its Celebrities claim the main problem was to do with how other people were fighting my wars, whilst we know it is to do with the perversions of their fans and the punishment for it, hence fighting my wars, to do with the way they pick up my career publicity and somebody completely unrelated to what I am doing or what they are, shows up to offer support in terms of the way that I am simply a part of what they were doing because they were incredibly important, at best, they had freedoms to give their power to whomsoever they want, in their stupid world but have not stopped for a day in 20 years, a gimmick where they gave mine to whomsoever they wanted as well. It loves to lip flap that I did not have the advantage but advantage is all I have here as they were all complaining about a history they had acquired by an unusual interest in my personal space that since got violent because their stupidities could – especially the localised terrorism idiots who always needed to make a new country, who show up here ripping up my career to such a point where I was forced to get involved and tore down their sectarian gimmicks to such an extent that involvement with me was life threatening because those who got hurt wanted to harm them too, then it gets on a stupid media to run me down every day, where it could easily stop making the stupid comments that destroy client interest at any time but believes its insanity added up to a form of power. I want them to do their part, to travel overseas and bring in the business opportunities that grow the economy, pay their taxes before they build the country in their heads, and I cannot be free of the gimmicks that started out as claims that the law allowed the weak to pick on the strong and get away with it. Where it affects the Monarchy will be the part where the King when he was Prince of Wales, never stopped making an entitled mess with it, especially because his predecessor was a woman, we have now arrived at a point where even the media fools where part of a process in which the gits ran my life with the social activities of criminals to befriend the Monarchy and hang about somewhere dreaming that he will retrieve my work for them to play with and it had since grown into a public problem on account that HM is worried that even when I push them into public trouble as well, they will likely join the security services to get back at me and then it will become a problem for his Office whilst we know even when they did, it would not have become a problem for his Office, as security services staff will usually have ended up on a short fuse, each time they interfered with a process where people were working on the rough edges of a life threatening job in an Office environment. It is not in anyway a problem that concerns the Monarchy or the Office of the head of State and I would like it to be left alone by people who make such a mess of it that my finances and well being suffered over something I could easily handle.

Each time we did not pay too much attention, we find their stupidities will have progressed to a point of offering public media presence to such trouble maker gits that as soon as they were done laying plans on the table for making money including the criminal plans, arriving at a point where it was possible to once they got it past female society, at which stage the famous gits had ended up with a real problem and somebody else that they considered to be less entitled was going to make it go away painfully because their stupidities could. It is always abusive and disrespectful but whilst it complains about me and the pointless way its gimmicks wreck my finances, their activities are always disrespectful here, they never address me as though I had a career and it was physically, mentally and verbally abusive 24-7 all of the time, this is only the aspect where I got to push back as well, especially considering damage that Celebrities do with mentally ill gits that were devised to share my personal space whilst they lip flapped their own insanity about ways I ought to go somewhere to get torn up so somebody else may enjoy some security, at the same time the perversion of its stupid fans wrecked the finances because they could and their famous madness never stopped picking up my career publicity as disrespectfully as they could. I suppose once done with the insults, it will decide what saved the day when it kicked off, would be a process of deciding that my birth date precluded me from engaging with violent acts whilst its abusive Scorpio and Street corner twat Virgo own allowed it to - not clear why it is that they were working with the King but I tended to pay the price for any Royal personal decisions that were made, which activities have continued for over 5 decades, all the stupid birth months that allowed people to do stupid things with other peoples lives and careers each time they were trying to make more money than they were already entitled to. We have not started talking the middle management idiots that wreck the academic pursuits with distracting practical jokes, to befriend the younger generation on my public image, just one of the ways they complained that the Law allowed the weak pick on the strong and get away with it but I did not see that I wrote their Books around here last we checked.

Some of the images I have burned into the back of my head are quite incredibly - even the way they park their cars to alight and get to the Office, was a stupid thing they were doing with other peoples lives as a part of a process of making money, their car breaks down on the roads or it breaks down on a bridge, the image was the same or worse but it needs to stay away from my Books and can make its media comments about its own career instead of mine at any time, if it wanted people to take the complaints about me seriously.  They do claim it was impossible to tell what had to be done with me but there was nothing to be done, every time that I had dropped out of University, that I have failed to produce the best work for my career, that my social life had stalled, it occurred because they had a problem, usually to do with a personal decision they made for themselves which I was completely unaware of or not even born to witness them do at the time, every time that the career had been damaged, their stupid lives had become a tool by which it was damaged once again, there separate instances where I had faced an international level complain about my response to the home wrecker gold digger gimmicks and it could keep its comments made about its own life and career at any time that it wanted - never addresses me as if I had a career to address me by and I cannot remember any instances where I have required it or its stupid community to address me. It was sharing the Royal personal space with other people to be respectful and successful at the Markets, when it is not complaining about celebrity security getting in my face so they would get shoved up the bums of their employers, the Celebrities had the money to spend and keep access regardless of how abusive they got, apparently the society gits with a community I would wreck to get into a life time of trouble had insults, a need to see me move from one struggle to another after another and abuses by which they could do so. It clear with such never stage complaints and a dream of me getting into trouble with the Law or others getting into trouble with the Law on my account with a big mouth so their criminals may hear them blab, having since developed into a result where there was a real risk that my audience on being seen in possession of my Books, risked physical attack, this was ever done; from the idiots with a need to be the centre of attention on what I did with a private security industry job role, the public transport twats, the birth date reading and the Celebrity support, why it was ever done, the fact that it was not the first time that their problems had wrecked my career considered, the way that general celebrity involvement with me was a question of my refusal to push back at the community abuses, leading up to an involvement with celebrity culture on their part to access me my personal life and get abusive for fear of losing the access because of what they are, wrecking everything around here.

We had to deal with this nonsense all the time, fight like hell to prevent their need to access peoples privacy and still end up with a situation where they had gained perception induced access to the privacy, so those who made a lot of money had none and those who fought the national level enemies had none and you had nothing to offer for public work. They do claim it was an issue to do with my attitude which is utter rubbish - 20 year career mess from them and every time there was an extension of such nonsense it was due to their social issues, their problems, their bits were all over it, their case was being used by those who would otherwise not have gained access or been able to do damage, their area was everywhere, lip flapping if their criminals were nearby. In the end was the suggestion made that I am simple terribly terrified of getting into harms way for others but it is the same process that got me sick and got me dropped out of University, it showed up there just for me, showed up there entirely over its civil right and an interest in my personality, now we have arrived at a point where the way to proceed was the rogue landlords, corrupt private security and famous idiots route, asking the stupid questions - apparently somebody else is good at handling the famous at the Monarchy, I am good with the Middle management goons who have not yet paid cash for wrecking my academic pursuits to cling to my earnings, breach my patents get wealthy people to access my assets at the market place, crash my finances and befriend the younger generation, they should fear me at this stage if the outcome was likely to be the security for their famous gits getting in my face and a need on my part to shove it up their bums too but their size produces a completely different mentality of what I am capable of which is rather detached from reality.

They do claim these activities were due to something I did to disrespect religious figures - I do not think when they say this they were talking about me, we know they make those claims so that their criminals would show up here to display plans for making money which included crime, otherwise it is generally a gimmick where I am said to be an infidel to such an extent I could no longer concentrate on my career whilst they got to keep their own for more religious violence activities - in the Christian religion which violence is prohibited and one man marries one wife, should you decide you want nothing with sexual relations, it was all your agency. They were the people with religion that could not take care of its backyard well enough, so criminals festered there but if it continues to make a mess for me by claiming I disrespect religious figures, I will pick up its own thing about being a lying Saracen. Its all extremist neighbourhoods and their famous fools working ideas that the cause of all societal problems were the actions of the weak but it also wants people to believe that religion was the cause of the worlds wars - being made apostate, no forgiveness, no prayer, no repentance due to interference and practical jokes, it does because it can and asks the stupid questions later.

They do claim I will only be satisfied by war and it is utter nonsense as we know it is abusive everyday, then the extremist communities and their celebrities get to tell me they were fighting for national and international market interests whilst getting nothing from me as though I was never the architect of the processes they have hijacked and each time I got to feel it when people bang walls and doors, I will popularity make the instances an incentive to burn their show business, which is what this is all about. Like they do claim I would tolerate any abusive thing Americans did. Not the case naturally as it is a matter contrary to the idea that it was random activity, of an orchestrated plan to find some Royal trap them and steal treasure – I do not think that it was a crisis either way, they simply make so much trouble and complain everyday that others who had real jobs to concern with said something they found provocative, of which I did not care what people said as what was said was said by those who had the authority to say it. The part where they were going to make it all violent would be the instances where their families got a feedback for the career mess they make for me, painfully, considering the whole business of taking over my social life to get on public Media and talk through to me right up to the stage where the abuses led up to and concerned where I lived, a crowd that was built up on my door step to enforce their needs and desires, was a result of working my own mobility matters to such an extent that I met up with some female journalists or our paths crossed, they have not yet explained reasons their interest in me was so frequent or indeed the reasons it was so disrespectful. I could drag them to Court and get paid for a Book that the public was never allowed to read but I rather prefer to handle it socially, so I can screw them properly as well, it should be noted that we were having the conversation at all because a bunch of idiots loved to provide support for such activities over a certain period of time, hence the need for an interest in me and the interest to be so disrespectful, the support continued until they were inconvenienced too.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland