We have now arrived at a point where the conversation had developed into a need to declare they felt bad about being exploited and this was the reason I was being exploited, the problem being that I lived in a delusion they were so dim that they did not tend to exploit people as well. It has never been a matter of what they exploit, rather the fact that when wealthy people exploit they gave something back at the other end, they had nothing to exploit with and need to get wealthy first before they exploit, not exploit, get wealthy and then exploit some more before they gave back if at all they did, I am not the one complaining about social and economic consequences, they were the same doing all of the complaining. Personally, I could never understand what their problem was, crime control at public Office was just a means by which their Celebrities turned up here to convert all that helps me do my best work and allowed younger people do well at school, into a means of abusive activities that made them money because somebody was conducting financial fraud fame for them somewhere – I mean absolutely everything I did, every direction I turned, nobody here is asking them questions as such about whether they nursed feelings of exploitation, we are where we are due to the consequences of their practical jokes, as 20 years ago considering they paid the fees, the best place to play a game of shoving me and covering their backsides was the University, we know it has not stopped and they were like a people that came to University to finger bottoms who then made something incredibly important from it, the fact they got away with every insult, especially those to do with the way they wanted to handle my affairs as a matter of having fought my wars somewhere, seemingly serving as the contribution I was making to this nonsense – so the next time it raises the point, pushes the insults at me and gets about shoving me the whole way as the matter is being resolved, I will make sense of the fact if I respond without first having this conversation, the fact their financial fraud gimmicks went all the way to the Office to the American President, will make me out to be an unpredictable threat. Book writing is what I did and it can avoid the problems if it showed up here to read, not cling to my income margins and shower me with insults that stall client interests in the Bookshop, none here was asking them a question about their ability to conduct exploitation as well.

Eventually these matters are better understood when they claim my responses to the activities of their Celebrities, Media and Internet gits was unnecessary, but it is to a certain extent as I did drop out of University whilst I am not a Celebrity on account that they were famous and then faced hell at the work market before I had to solve a problem of doing poor book sales numbers for expensive profitable practical jokes everyday. Eventually the sort of problems their stupidities got tangled up with concerns not just ripping up my crime control publicity to make organised crime products cheaper for them, ripping up my wealth equity to facilitate financial market fraud and a process where every fool with ideas about a new country in the head pursuing my career each time, ended up being able to plan situation where it was possible for me to get attacked by people if others gave them money to do so and then there was a way that it was all my fault.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland