On the persecution of Anglicans in Zimbabwe

Harare bishop the Rt Revd Chad Gandiya
PHOTO CREDIT CPCA http://www.anglicancommunion.org/acns/news.cfm/2012/12/16/ACNS5273
There are a few subjects to this matter. One of them certainly is the wickedness people practice from which I detach them, on account that although it is true that they can do violence and I cannot, they are still keen on what may happen, what must happen and what must be seen, if they play along with the demands of a trouble maker in the media for example who lies all the time and makes them feel a certain way in their tummy because he is hoping to stir violence and so on-hence the attack on my health and well being, as well as that of any I care about while the idea I care about anybody becomes a miscellaneous condition that everybody can take part in, which by the time they have suggested it feels like being sexually violated is the point where I have had enough of them and so since the classic sense of the feet that is quick to shed blood and the one that is arrogant beyond comprehension is the daily occurrence, especially in Africa, then I had to detach them from these wickedness, in case they might want to apply themselves to some work to rebuild it in order to create their fearsome reputation which I will mostly likely again completely ruin.
The other issue is that of Democracy and the fact about it is that we developed Nations have to work very hard for our economic progress because the output will not come from any other source. The result is the pockets of economic opportunity we leave all over the world and the real crisis here is that there are individuals in these countries where people vie for these economic opportunities we have left from our work, for which we must now Police the violence, for whom even if we created a separate planet that was named after them and everything in it served them, it would never be enough, so they would be killing people, which is much the same as the above anyway:- if they dare go somewhere to sit back to insult and hunt me especially so when it is what some media idiot has put them to in order to enslave me, I will terrify them out into the open so we can find out as well.
As for silly socialist Party idiots and other busy body Liberal goons, those think of themselves as the things I fear but are actually the worlds most insolent scum ever that have connections with peoples parents to send out to tell them how to live their lives to suit what they plan to do. I for my part will either live in this country as a normal person that is not being abused by them who expect to get away with doing so or I will live in another country as a normal person. So will all that rubbish about going off to live somewhere else in a condition where I can get told the UK where I was treated like rubbish took all I had while I expect stuff from them will stay with their insults and end with it. I mean it is the last thing I expect at work, that somebody is snooping around everywhere that Aid is being delivered by Charities and International organizations preserving he superiority of his race, then shuttling off to the US where he can link up with Americans and keep an established hold on it, until that is I try to write and sell a book to release money from my property or try to raise some money to do some charity work and they wish to stop that from happening. Why are they so insolent? Just like connections with parents who then tell me how I ought to live my life to suit them from government Office.
In : Business and Tyranny-the connection