They say it’s the fact I smell and people complain about this endlessly but I remember it started when I was about 19 – they said I took my Church concerns seriously because it was the laziness that prevented me from being a whore if somebody was desperate for money or being homosexual if somebody needed saving, that I am most concerned with – soon it grew into one about their stupid women threatening me all the time because I had become some sort of goat and they were putting all their problems into me and the plans was to get me killed by racists so it might all go away – now its just the daddies who deserve my income more than I do because they are nearer the point of drawing their pensions, as insultingly as possible and it never stops all day long, prime concern being to get me into a fight with local hoodlums constantly, which it thinks is a problem but I believe I really going to try hurting seriously any of its foolish minions that dares to take a physical handling me at any stage of this nonsense all together; what is left then being the part where the real me disappears and the part where I supported some women got built up on Media as the real Me which consequences they complain about all the time, claiming I am unpredictable and it is coupled by their stupidities inventing one difficult task for me after another while they sought conveniences, blowing off the big mouthed insults about an Arch Prince’s position their stupidities were going to confiscate, as they were rather convinced that when they were angry it mattered and when others were it did not with a big mouth. We have never hear them have a conversation that did not involve a question of who own the Country and yet their biggest problem that gets them wanting my life all together is the fact that extremists have ideas about who owns the Country too – I guess when they confiscate my Arch Prince’s Estate, all the arguments that make Homosexuality a sensible thing to engage in will disappear. Its is clearly hurtful and they can do it to me without consequences only when they had seen me do it to them not because of some finance and time-consuming gimmick about their word against mine, taking up my time whenever they are not complaining.

They claim they are blocking my Books which is legitimate and they are not; they are damaging it, turning off customers, threatening people over it and each time they think they have me they get off that insulting angle where they want to control my finances and none has ended up in Court or Prison for their Civil and criminal disobedience yet, so the insults get completely out of hand as such all the time. I did warn them about this nonsense continuing to a stage where I worked so hard but my finances never looked the part until I felt I no longer had the time to sort out a good pension, I did warn them I will take steps to make serious minded gits out of their stupidities and plan my life on their savings thereafter, did warn them I will be waiting for them where they were trying to draw those stupid pensions. It is hurtful, hurtful to select a life for themselves that meant the day they saw me was the day I ended up in hell, whereby I must be dominated spiritually before I complete the academic work and then what happens after will depend on my attitude, after which my personal diaries were no longer able to support me through the self-improvement bullying on account that they had a right to earn from my life before I did because they were likely to draw their pensions first, no longer supported me because it was full and I had come full circle, was repeating myself – I have not yet been given a reason for me to be inflicted by that nonsense that leaves me smelling of what I ate all the time while they claim I am the one canning my Body and I want them to give me my space; it is clearly hurtful and if I am not doing it to them, none should think it is a worthy practical joke doing it to me.

I do get told I dragged myself into this position which is utter nonsense, I never did - I got a Royal Commission and started to work towards what was required of me for it in the latter part of 2003, their gimmicks started since I was about 19 years old and its an example of the extent of provocation it is willing to execute, that the more successful I got was the more of the problem it followed me around with. Some people tend to point to my refusing to acknowledge the root cause and means I cannot get help but the root cause has always been the respectful Christian bits; their dream has always been to make me into a character that had a good reputation but was broke and it therefore meant they were better off if they harmed me and better off if they didn’t – now it has become quite clear I am not in any way vulnerable to the gimmicks they invent to control my finances and their insults tend to mean the business of waiting for them to execute what I want to do when they are drawing the pensions, to make their stupidities serious minded people for a change, will never be done if I did not get to beat down the Celebrities for it as well, so I really think insulting and goading me rather that stopping it tends to mean it will blow up in their faces. It is hurtful and if they do not see me do it them, they should not be doing it to me.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland