In terms of the anus and penis and tummy and head and banging of every private part insults and practical jokes orchestrated by self-appointed moral idiots looking for attention and followers and power of their own most especially so for those whom their enterprises of crime have failed and especially so for Muslims who are the biggest players of such games talking nonsense about it being a matter of the power that Allah has given them against evil doers of which my powers that God has given me is not being complained about enough currently as it stands as well. The reality here is that the more my Temperament Mistresses in Europe and the Middle East resort to sexual practices is the more enmity they will make here and I do not see how Allah would have wanted that either - and of course weakening me by those insults they claim is power Allah has given them will not be enough considering they kill people for sins people commit against themselves and think Christians like anus and penis and tummy insults because of power Allah has given them while they are fasting and praying and so on. My point mostly is that they are the reasons rich idiots think that the answer for everything which plays out on spending my Royal Estate and helping their stupid children and Industry community idiots to my finances is played out on this and their excuse is developed around their hatred for religion along with their pop star idiots. So Muslims fools and Rich scum and Media fools have not yet learnt their lessons over this matter of blackmail despite their hatred for me now being a public matter while they cannot do their business outside of my Empire and my earnings for the sake of developing another practical jokes that have to do with getting rich and powerful - so I believe in stating it Muslims will understand where we stand and this is the power that God has given me so far as well.

Of course they do say my position is being picked up by governments and that it is a collusion with the enemy where terrorism is concerned, reality of course is rather that verbal abuse is a Legally recognisable form of degrading treatment for a person and can stand in a law court as evidence of diminished responsibility if their actions caused you harm for it, so people should always feel free to stand in front of men with Guns and tell them their causes are not recognised; tell them you are in Syria for instance because you got curious etc and tell others they are colluding with the enemy.

They do say I abuse others verbally as well but that is never true; it’s just the part about being the guy who stacks books in his garage and sell them successfully, so if they are next door neighbours they will invent a small business to make trouble for me, so being that Intellectual property is normally safe unless the media that can violate it for a few minutes and stop just when people are beginning to pay attention and play the routine over and over and over again until they get to stage where handling such property they have their eyes on has become something common to others and hence whether or not they are questioned does not change anything, I normally make such neighbourhood trouble makers famous on the basis of media involvement which means when birds of a feather flock together I have less of a problem - or more like the other issue of seeing women make out that a process where people intimidate them to a point where they like to attack claiming such persons problems are affecting them is normal but of course it is not, normal for me because I am a man yes but for women it should be normal when women do it not when men do it.

It’s never really true I dodge the racism issue either – not clear how you can if you are white or how you can if you are black more so but of course we all know that one moment you are supportive of parents that are preventing their children from doing racism from losing the battle for control in the family and the next you are being spied on and an activity stolen by an idiot who seeks himself for his own pleasures and the problem does not end there because you then have to catch up with the lone wolves who have been raised by good parents and in every admirable way because they accepted the deal they have been offered; all so that idiots might show talk is talk and death is death and that they give freely without question, forging their stupid antagonism of the law to allow a leg over everybody knowing perfectly there are some that will kill them for it, to create a conundrum for the law, talk is talk and death is death if they can take advantage of certain kids to get the kind of respect they need to stop being cowards. The part that kills me is that they have realised that if you deal with a process where you must try and understand what everybody else’s challenge is like which predisposes you to think like racists do, it lets you in on the problem all be it to avoid a condition where I get killed because it is collateral damage and allows me to take charge and when they take advantage of me and take advantage of white people especially more so because I express what I know of it, it brings all they do to noughts as the two balance each other out, so what they do as a response to that is to  get on media and Politics to ensure the rest of us exist as though we come into this world to wait somewhere so they can do things to us.

Clearly ineffective to deal with Media financial vandalism and expensive irresponsibility by confronting it - I mean I can because I write Books that handle such matters with regards to Intellectual Property but the bulletin today as I have realised is that the media along with its popular culture can afford to behave the way they do because they have saved enough money to provide for a retirement, thus everything about other people’s success and wellbeing can easily offend them; this is so because they know there is enough distance to let them get away with and or profit from it if they so please, it is therefore not sustainable to deal with them directly if the ingredient items of the successes of Journalists that have targeted a business can be targeted instead - there it seems in the current climate no other way to ensure a Business is able to deliver to customers what it promised and an environment where customers are allowed to do what they are involved with the business to do without problems too. In terms of the Politicians, it is a repeated process where everybody that gains access to your trade and or even finances so they can sit around making sure that since you cannot kill somebody and do not have the guts to, then they will spend all of it because of how you understand people will treat them where they come from and in their area of society and so on but the crucial note is that of the pattern i.e. access to finances and career, bending you into a condition where there is not a thing that you can do about the fact they have that access, creating an expensive distance between you and them while they have the finances, then depending on your behaviour you will be worse off all the time or you will be worse off all the time and worse of wear physically and health wise all the time too if you resist – while they set off to employ criminals with that money  they either clear own or have worked for or have worked on the correct things in order to earn in the first place as it were, hence the way out has to be a process of making sure that Politicians are actively seen as a problem - I had simply decided on both i.e. being Royalty tends to mean I am made to take things into my personal life and deal with them there but hospitality vandalism from those who seek equality has become the biggest problem and the people who enjoy doing it the most and those we elected to handle government. I hear of the story of certain young career men that are uncontrollable – noughts all of it – since they are the ones that continue to indicate they can do it all by themselves without women and it isn’t exactly either other people’s problem or indeed a crime that it is what they want to do with themselves – their insults should never be financially rewarding in the first place.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland