The Politicians more often than not do like to display those things they do at parliament about a battle I have lost which I have no idea what the accomplishment really is anyway – we all know that when they refuse to set out their business mission and make their own advertisement because they can pillage my book sales and plug in their products instead on account they are needy for more money and will not get medical help instead of assume I am afraid of them we will always find out what I can back up and what I cannot each time it is impossible to accomplish this aim and they get off on media to settle for an alternative which still means selling things in some way with my company sales market – which of course is one of the finest examples of the only thing they know i.e. get out of bed and get dressed and go out to look for trouble in an office and no sooner had they gotten it than they can ran into Parliament to conspire and make some laws that will clubber ‘them’ and keep those advertisement going, so they can talk nonsense about those who lose battles to them currently as it were. They say I speak but they have been making money at my expense anyway and I do wonder if the fact they can get off and round another person up like he was an animal, stifle his literary empire sales and sit around making money at his expense was unusual – except that is the part where he decides he wants to take a look at that their loutish nonsense all over the city centre and decide they and their stupid celebrities and women will ever make such money for as long as he allows those lies about those he loses battles to, to continue on media and in Parliament unchallenged – that it was supposed to have been news to me that they were making money at my expense because they cannot leave people alone. I hear them speak of my attitude towards black people of course but that is largely a question of how insane people have to be to find their way into other people’s business and concerns with lies they are certain the world will believe until it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy bearing in mind they are dealing with their mates and equals as it were, how insane people have to be to find their way into other people’s business to determine how much money they can earn in their lifetime; these idiots never listen to anything anybody us saying to them and have no respect for what peoples wishes about their possessions are and they forget I am black as well for good measure so we will play it out to the very end, just like it is that once they are in and that is a given and it is time for them to listen to you, then what you don’t want them to do with your belongings and person simply becomes their major preoccupation – the only thing they understand of which is financial violence so that they can start forming gangs and since I am a Christian, for me the gangs is not good enough so they are not getting any as well.

Of course nothing is lost in translation in anyway – as I mentioned they would say the girls are using me for a plaything which I don’t mind, they only need watch their mouths lest I get my hands on their loutish sugar daddy idiots with their stupid money all over the City Centres of the world being millionaires again but of course the reality is still the same as ever – the first fight was about being seen at products shows all over the world talking nonsense about how nobody knows who the hell I am, now it has progressed after years of stifled profits for them into pillaging work I do with my Court all over the world to make trashy day time television adverts to sell cosmetics to celebrities alongside men placing themselves at glorious spots all over the Literary empire especially when American because they are confiscating it – so this is going to be a big one.

The story of Politicians having settled on all the needed parameters to ensure there is always one back breaking work for no pay that the powers of men and the Politicians and their secret societies can push me into along with their media idiots have no basis on reality whatsoever; what is reality is that these their idiots and every activity they engage in does not pay bills, provide shelter, provide clothing or even protect anybody from anything and as long as the Politicians continue to feel their access to my details at the Civil service and my public work and book sales should be a prerogative for them to make money and appear to be all knowing and never wrong, it will never be settled and we will continue to see these kinds of stories come up again and again and again – which clearly does show they are tired of working for the idiots who clearly will sleep with anything to have their upper hand over the government and bully it into doing what they want. It’s much the same story with Mr Obama or the part where they think Parliament is where they run to when they shoot their insults at me to a point where it winds me up. Mr Obama can simply decide nothing else matters except wrecking my finances and holding my books down for these idiots to do whatever they like with and now he thinks he has come to an understanding of what the purpose of my books are and hence will not accept that purpose and move on after years of this activity whereas what is going to happen which already is, is a condition where I do the same to him as well so that I might be decadent too, the ones here in the UK have gotten a fair idea of the fact I have not got the time but can still dish it out for them at least three times a week. We hear them speak of the government of the US pulling off a system of freedom that involves these idiots having their version of freedom set out on other people’s possessions and getting away with  it and that it is the Kind of country they want to live in, none of which is based on reality at all which is rather that the US Government has killed for the same idiots, killed on behalf of the same idiots and the US Government has killed the same idiots but nothing whatsoever has changed. The Politicians here in the UK however are only found in a place where the taxpayers will have enough of them soon enough yet while they brag about oppressing me, considering they have not got a clue what they are doing anymore. I don’t think it is an issue, it’s a matter of somebody’s kid from God knows where got elected into government office and want to be able to set out one means after another by which he gets to exercise the ethics and aesthetics of being me alongside spending my income of himself and so they turn up here as stupid as they come and a mind that thinks within the pros and cons of personal growth and development that a bad thing that be good sometimes, to govern us, having therefore just like their idiots they have for celebrities and media scum, a sense of how far their minds have wondered around their career and all the possibilities of things that can be harmful to them which beats the imagination that anybody will want to explore, that they want to open up and have me shoved into, to experience, so that they can feel they are above the law and so when they speak of this sense of work to oppress me with, it is always important they know the houses of Government are not their possessions and that they are pushing their luck, besides which I can always fuck those their stupid minds for them again as it were. I don't think it a major crisis either - it’s just reality that I have to wonder if there is another way save the one they are moving to at present i.e. write a book about shirts and trousers and end up dealing with so much nonsense in the morning until the little market that opened up around shirts and trousers matters shuts around you and the Politicians and rest and think the trivia power they have seeing you broken when you need money badly but have not got any is really amusing; the one that fits their size is acting first within the need to look into civil service bullying that runs along the lines of dishing out violence for them until they spend their stupid salaries to secure protection from you and you can dish it until you start to make money from it as well - otherwise seeking out the worst that the society has ever produced that spend their time smoking Class A drugs or sleeping with girls that are as useless as they are, seeking other people’s income when done with bloody shot eyes and an impudence that knows no limits will no longer have access to me because of what Politicians and their media idiots turn out in public to say everyday..

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland