I can list them all if I must


Where I have taken leadership over what is done with my possessions and must now leave the idiots there to play along with fools and evil people and maintain thereof the systems by which they remain stuck with it and leave my finances alone. Where the story they tell applies I have come to realise how difficult it is to be where they are and only means that my books have a price and customer is King only when they pay up or they owe me a service and I can milk them too if I wanted and of course they will hound me and attack me and extract the essence of my work from my personal life to make their markets with a big mouth and a large gawb only - thus if they leave me alone they can be free of me and I free of them too and nobody has to complain about anything all the time - put their backs to some work to make their businesses profitable as it were.


Where customer is King but only when they pay up through which there is need to rival real world Kings and Queens otherwise they cannot exist - fall out from their insults and very intrusive sex based abuses and the consequences which follow it, hence outcome where they will seek such things from the Bible and from the Church: either way of which abuse in my direction being linked with the power connected to getting rich is well under its limits as it were and will not be tolerated in the slightest which outcomes will be better displayed as we progress - especially over the girls and the popular culture and their hatred of my women and myself and a need to appear on public media to that effect too.


Not managing betrayal well, which means that they and their idiots and even concubines are cashing into my literary empire. Women must be allowed to celebrate my victories which they are very well as it were and the great old story of being made to beat them, outcome of which is complains of somebody taking away from them their homosexual lifestyle which is always a plus as it were.

All these things are entirely normal for entire countries and entire economies that are run on deviance and hence the fact that causes me complacency.

They always say they want to take control of their media jobs and keep me being the most meddlesome and intrusive thing that ever befell them out of it but have no plans to lay off damaging my finances and getting Politicians to help them to my fame by public funds and then turning up to make me give it up by violent means that they will stay off any kinds of legal redress for as well; so I had made it clear if after the last 12 years or so they continued until it paid off, I will change the west from them unrecognisably from what they know it to be and I will change it for my purposes too. They do say the culture and society issue refers to their powers of revolution but then again if it messes with me again right up to fame idiots pillaging my earnings and public work to get famous and important and turning up to dominate me with the money through to their idiots driving by on the streets and expressing how bad a day they have had on me, I will get hold of it again and I will dominate it again for the Crown, entirely self-appointed. Since the last time we checked these kinds of things were very important administrative tools in times of very dire crisis not a plaything for idiots that want to spend my possessions on themselves and create me a life of penury and misery because they have no discretion. They do say I make statements I cannot back up of course – utter nonsense largely as the reality here is a simple fact that they don’t live in the same world that the rest of us do, they live in a closed mind and a closed environment and think their media is a worthy tool for the reasons others cannot feel comfortable, so every time they get a sense from me that crossing me in a big way will result in an outcome whereby they will live in the real world where hurting people means they will hurt too and that there will be consequences at law as well my way or theirs from then on regardless of what the consequences that might follow will be, never lasts for more than five minutes because they have that media to play around with and that is what gives them all that incentive too.

They do say my big problem is that I do not wish to take up jobs that will force me to live up to how tough I claim I am but it’s the same old case about developing towards a career to have it ripped up by Politicians that want to get youth and feelings of pater from you by being your parents and ruling you without any of the drawbacks such as paying the bills or the fees and so on and I have warned them about threats as well, they rather seem to think there will be no problems with a condition where they seek out situations that will help them push one out regularly. Even as this conversation has come and gone the reality is that they have once again brought that stupid culture and society into my concerns and I am being distracted with conversations about it while they get away with doing so as insultingly as only, they can. I do not think it is as big a matter as they have made it to be; it’s just a zone they have created and I do step out of my home and stand up a few feet away to observe what it is that encourages people to toss their problems in its direction and I cannot find any - it is the zone that Politicians wreck your career and put you on benefits and sit about threatening to take it away while they chase your anus and penis over their stupid aspirations to make relevant to you and so they talk too much hence when I get into it to find out what it is exactly they can do. I understand these goons are trying to help me out on the menace of old women but it is not just common knowledge to me that they are the ones that start off the menace of older women in the first place; the sex based bullying they think is peer pressure, the financial damage and setbacks and a need to be there when everything you do had begun along with Politicians so they can chase your penis and anus and draw the attention of community croons that think their days spent being useless people in the class room does not contribute to the fact that women at their age calling up society to help them trap young men will be very distressing for the victims - the idiots think what you suppose they are doing is Politics and Media and even celebrity as well until you decide you want none of it in a big way: it is never true I have been subjected to distressing conditions, Christians do not talk like these, it’s a clear job as it were even though I have to make it clear what I am really like and they do need to get off my books and keep that silly media off my possessions at the civil service and any matters concerning employability and then they can put into distressing conditions after that too - they cannot find it amusing both ways you see.

The reality is that I have been there and round the bend and it has become clear nobody wants to give me a job and the only way to create my own is to ensure these people keep off my book sales and so something will have to give if there are no improvements - something will have to give for stand-up comedians and talk show hosts and back stage media and journalists and celebrities - something will have to give after 14 years of it happening with government support every day while they claim I am a poor man as well and something will have to give really soon and I bet it will happen because of those stupid threats as well.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland