I am told Celebrities could not understand why I am not afraid of them, as they think it was not logical – I could never tell anyway, I am not afraid of them because I did not have a reason to be afraid of them i.e. if they said they were going to buy a private army that would handle me, the outcome would only have been a matter of considering my costs and benefits to an effect where I shoved it up their bums, if they said they were going to wreck everything I owned on the basis that there was need for the government to provide the public with security, it would only build up to risks they had to take with social life and personal mobility. It tells these lies all the time, as if it had any mandate to inform people of what the security the government is meant to provide the public should be, sets about wasting peoples good fortune on it and anything that had been recovered by the victims would be wasted on its ideas about the way that government provided security should affect its famous stupidities. Eventually we hear it say something about ways that it was a matter of meeting them in person and can only this until I am motivated enough to way lay it by the streets, bin bag its head and beat it up so it could never tell the Police, like an idea that came on because I was in a similar position as it was back at school, where we were children, knew nothing but we were doing the shooting and stabbing on account of their famous stupidities anyway. The Politicians have said it was nice that I am taking responsibility for it and yes it is but there are limits, I will not tolerate the continued abuses from their stupid girls who felt like weeing on me all the time on account they were bigger than I am – I got my head around my side of society and my responsibilities back to back, up to a stage where I forged an alliance with some female journalists by the time I was 23, they spend most of their time in a part of society that does not fit their gender on the other hand and it never stops clinging to anything I might have owned which allowed me to enjoy a semblance of normalcy and dignity because it was a narcissistic twat, I will absolutely not tolerate this, regardless of the information at this stage being that many had died because I organised my career to make them take more risks with personal safety, I will not tolerate it, their famous gits need to keep the comments they make to their own career, stay away from my Books, stay away from my finances. Politician have also raised the point that it was not clear why time and again we ended up with the Celebrity madness and this is because people usually get off thinking there was something that had to be done to resolve it or get it moving on, it never does because it was a group of people who think that the way government and society was set out and operated was designed to punish them, so they needed to select their own victims that will accompany them to hell literally – we have also seen from their lifestyle that they absolutely deserved everything they got. For instance in my case where at great expense I build up equity to help the public build products that will baby sit rich people who bothered them, it stifled my bookshop, makes me a character people bullied to befriend the wealthy and makes my wealth equity into a tool for equality with the wealthy after I became the character that was bullied for the wealthy to share wealth with its stupidities and builds around me a society where I had to get into trouble with the law, to show I deserved what I owned. Contrasted with prevalent sensibilities where the wealthy might know I built up equity to help the public baby sit rich people to disrupted their schedule but will go on and spend money on it anyway because they wanted to be happy, in which circumstances we can see where the celebrity bits I have mentioned above fit in, when it punishes people for eternity because society and government was set up to punish its famous stupidities. I am now in the process of building their own wealth equity as well; it seems that trouble makers we would otherwise did not get to partake in high level economic activities have obtained finances and media presence from them to do so, hence we know that they will attack the public and create an environment where people got punished for keeping jobs, people got punished for buying products at the market even if it were products they were selling and people got punished for narcissism over economic activities, build up to taut neighbourhoods that will explode at some stage or the government would want to be successful and therefore send out security services to get rid of them, in which case the resources that the famous had made available to them would be wasted. So I must do something here to ensure that they entered into another phase of activities where they were set to be regarded by the public as heroes because they were able to follow the famous everywhere and ensure the finances at the disposal of the famous was again caught up in the public money market circulatory system – the facts that must be noted here as well, is that their reputation as trouble makers are built at the expense of chosen victims, these victims have parents, siblings and lovers who will want to deny them this as well, hence the Celebrity issues is about to make an exciting story by the time I am finished with it.

I am told there as need for caution as what I said could be used against me by the famous – I could never tell anyway: it has been an 8 year fun gimmick where I picked out a bad neighbourhood to write Books and famous stupidities have turned it into a tool by which it did not need to respect how I wanted myself and my possessions to be handled because it was easier to build blackmailing publicity for quasi criminals that saw me on the streets and any other twat that had come into contact with my career. I have to wake up to this nonsense everyday because their stupidities were of the famous type so far, hence there is a real threat that what I said when I issued warnings could be used on me instead, like when it wants to show that it was a deaths door stupid scum. It had nothing to do with hatred as suggested either; the original problem was that taller than me with its stupid girlfriends that decided what my finances should look like because they were, ran off the abuses to a point where activities included people going to security services to do favours so they might be allowed to finger my bum and the abuses running off to an extent where they did not think that trying to change the narrative was necessary anymore as I was a character people could step on without consequences, the Celebrity bits will be the part that the twats in this part of society that did not do well at school, got to exhibit. I had to stoop so low to convert anything they were saying into language that human beings can understand, their parents and societies were all over the place making stupid comments about when my financial well being should have been resolved whilst omitting the part they played to ensure it was not when it should have been according to their abusive and incredibly stupid schedule, nothing they did in terms of career and business made any sense, just a process where I got to suffer because they were doing those things such that it relied on me and then I paid the price for it over and over whilst their stupidities sold conveniences and became greater threats going forward.

I am told there were people who thought I had lost everything at the Monarchy which I have not, just a King that was friendly towards the causes of these abusive characters and ways I can avoid serving his needs with private property as well, building up to a result where they were always seen expressing fantasies about coming into possession of it, thus the publicly displayed abuses. As for the need to run me down every day – I have been patient with them, it has been a 20 year career mess, the fooling around at my expense and the eventual arrival at a stage where each time there was a problem with my career they were responsible, which has given way to a need that had to wreck everything I did with a sense of urgency whilst teaching people to call me names and making ageist comments about my affairs to stifle the finances. The comments are such that I am said to have left my career for so long that the public was no longer interested in it, whilst what happened was more a matter of people seeing their point of view of the world when reading my Books, instead of the work that I am doing and then it labels me a bum and teaches its stupid children to join in, not withstanding we already had a history where it got me dropping out of University and I ensured those children were past it too, hence it had to enlist the support of the King in the matter, this then meets up with Celebrities picking up the career publicity and the Books as tools for red carpet self reinvention, trashing the finances completely, at the same time another group of goons working in the local council who helped out with it, had decided they did not want to keep paying out the Universal Credit for somebody my age as well. I have tried to sort it in terms of saying that regardless of their abusiveness, expressing those gimmicks that suggest they knew more about their own servitude than those who wanted to make use of it, they could do their own thing and I could be allowed to do mine – now I must face the fact that everything I have done to prevent their endless practical joking and abusive gimmicks wrecking my career, had completely failed as though we shared the same existence, so the stage where they bought homes and cars and were planning their retirement must be the part where they had stopped fooling around and everybody ought to share such a point of view.

I am also informed I thought that I ought to decide the affairs of the day which I don’t, just some gits claiming I am not a victim each time that I am and showing up here to push me into a fight, resulting in an outcome where I shared the same health problems associated with people who ran off the lifestyle I have described above, so I had no advantage to fight back with anymore, whilst they too got to build a mountain of problems from thin air over my social life to cater for their own needs too. These health matters are entirely a product of being tackled by them, the work that I do plays no part in it, just as much as I have been told that no matter how tedious what I did sounded or looked when people weighed it, it was nothing more than what was within my capacity – these health issues for the gimmicks sake will constitute a cause of death at some stage, unless I caused their deaths first naturally. I mean we all faced our own challenges, even if I had decided it gets off at Government buildings making a mess of my concerns endlessly and the outcome will be that whilst we should not be getting caught up withy doxy society, the doxy society will become a problem for me and I will solve that problem for them all together, it would still have been the case that if a sociopath was interested in me, he would befriend me and enter into a manipulative stage where he did not listen to anything I said because there was no respect involved in the relationship but if a sociopath got involved with government, he will want to be hung, drawn and quartered because he wasted government funds and drove the country into a war, to enjoy the high life for a couple of weeks – I have not in 22 years been able to make sense of the reasons people thought that it was so much fun that I needed to get out of bed everyday and try to keep them out of my career and finances. Here I am told people want to share how I get around these matters but we know it was a case of working with an arrangement where it seems that only those who were willing to show some consideration for less powerful people, would be the mostly likely to be successful i.e. democratic government – it is as such easy to see from his eyes that he is unlikely to be considerate of any person regardless of how small his stupid power was; the sociopath moves on when he realises involvement with me is financially unsustainable, unless somebody is hard wiring his interest in me for the gimmicks we hear them complain of endlessly on account that I have been providing them a pretty good response, the psychopath will move on as soon as he realises I am not interest in anything that he has to say. What has happened here over the years is the way that ethnic minority sociopaths and the white sociopaths have been pushing for an interest in me, arriving at a stage where they began to harm each other, then the Celebrities waded in, trashed my finances and gave them the upper hand, ended up in a situation where it was my responsibility to handle them again and gets about my public life on a red carpet with more insults on bemusements that I was not afraid of their stupidities, whilst I am still waiting for them to set out what they wanted to do with the problem.

So it seems I am informed, that Celebrities were sociopaths and psychopaths too, I know this, just that their bits veers towards narcissism mostly – they were a group of people who were not like their mates at the Industries, they possessed the physical appearances but had to live in a world where they knew their popularity abuses were wrong but since it helped them buy cars and homes, people ought to see that they were available and willing to do something to make the crowd feel good, regardless of who suffered for them to keep it going. Eventually it comes down to the ways that my finances were a mess and I did not think I was in a position to stand up to people who bothered me, if we saw them get on a bandwagon when an idiot claimed to be the local father that knew when people should have had their financial matters sorted out, therefore that I had left mine for too long and lost it, every day, featuring public transport twats that had to play role – not just the question of how long it takes for them to think of it before they got involved being that they were famous but also a matter of this being where I have reached a decision about tolerating a gimmick where people showed up in my affairs to assess I am not vulnerable to stupidities they had in mind and worked me until those stupidities became a vulnerability, about which I ought to learn from them and pick up the famous careers for the same purpose if I needed to control them to protect my Bookshop, where we can see that even if I did not know what to do, just making the effort considering the history of building weaknesses into my affairs so I could be manipulated, would be a great advantage. I am aware Celebrities are sociopaths and psychopaths as well, but it is a matter of building weaknesses into their careers as well, so that I might get into a position to experiment as to whether they were better narcissists than I can be one.

Another famous assumption is that what I am doing is an ideal, unlikely to be the way that anything turned out – this is not the case, reality is that they were dealing with somebody that will easily want to ensure they needed bodyguarding to breathe and if they built a private army, he will shove it so far up their bums, they would forget their own names. It is the same as the idea I am caught up in the allure of Celebrities which I am not, it is a matter of what a bunch of gits did with the Celebrities, where they gave financial power to Celebrities and showed up to take advantage of others, my original assumption being that if a product was good enough, they would engage regardless of whether they gave power to the Celebrities and what we have found is that they were entitled to whatever was happening at the jobs market, whilst they handed all the financial power to Celebrities and will never buy a product, only interested in making sure that the problems the owners, sellers and creators waded to make the product available was the only work being done at the premises, which then makes sense of whatever they were doing with Celebrities – needs to do something useful for itself, get a copy of the Books and stop complaining about me. They do suggest the main problem to be that I am such a coward and it is usually the stupidest nonsense I had to listen to every time people mentioned it – the same who were responsible for the idea that the way I stood up for myself ought to pass on to these trouble makers whilst I got into a fight to show that I deserved what I had and to make celebrities important; it seems they have bene doing these favours for people who needed to fight law enforcement on other people’s behalf, thereafter if they had not had enough, progress on to securing access to Royal publicity, from there they go on to access hospitality set out for Politicians if they felt that their backside was not well covered, through which they got to feel supreme and I am now the person answering the questions on the matter. What happens concerns a bunch of people who are always gathering hoodlums that did not shed the bully personality that was picked up since school in order to make themselves other people’s society father, now arriving at a stage where people banged walls and doors for miles and my body felt it because they got around to the corrupt private security and rogue landlords scene to watch me all the time – it issues those threats that if it cannot attack me, it would attack others but we know it is seeking help from the Monarch and the Politicians because I plucked its stupidities from House and home, according to the way it abuses my privacy.

The mystery seems to be about the whole fighting thing that people were obsessed with – I am not obsessed with it either; even for those who worked in the security services, the part where they faced mortal danger was only about 30% to 20% of the job, in such a situation the person who was the source of the threat was just as much another human being as everybody else but the threat they posed was real, at which stage this was not an experience that other human beings shared or understood – what then happens is the way these gits show up here over it to wreck my career over ideas on what I should do to be brave, whilst the other group of fools they worked closely with were famous, looking for trouble. They would say even here I had not given up the fighting gimmicks myself which I have not as it is not just a ploy to show up here and filthily getting me to take responsibility for their personal decisions whilst they thought it was amusing to get a new life on my public image – besides which I would build up equity for people to create products that helped to baby sit wealthy people that bothered them for instance and the wealthy people knowing what it was, would go on to buy the products anyway in order to be happy people, until an idiot decided that some people should be characters others bullied to befriend the wealthy and the famous fools turned up to goad victims into a fight until victims faced the same health problems they faced for their silly lifestyle, to kick off the profitable narcissism, so whenever it happens it does tend to apply that the twats had no communist friends just yet as it were. I mean in the first place, the characters they got accustomed to bullying, to end up with their type of personality was not of my type where I end up starting to learn how they operated but did not go through with it leaving me to feel ill endlessly – these were people who were a mystery to them all the time, either poor and so planned a life on his identity, like to think you can handle him and cannot because he was more British inside than you were, we know the term for the first stage of career process in the Navy is an ‘able Sea Man’ position, when these sort of persons have gone on to complete their academic pursuits, become shop managers, then the assumption is that people will likely steal from them without consequences, it tends to end badly and then I had to deal with causalities that had absolutely nothing to do with me since they really enjoyed looking for trouble until they found it. Soon I should get into a relationship and then there will be two and two will multiply – in the end this is what we see when we formed a habit to suggesting that victims were not victims at all i.e. the two sides in the matter, as I have mentioned before, every attempt at leaving them to pursue their own affairs no matter how abusive had failed, history is that they come to University to finger my bum and are now building communities that abused me to befriend the wealthy and famous for a living.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland