I am told that I had picked up fighting sensibilities that are not mine and it does bring to bear the need for attention paid to the fact all Media and Celebrity idiots who have people buy them venues and equipment to make money on other people’s public image actually care about is some security guard or service operative doing something to make them feel safer than they already are – so it should be where I became clearer about the reasons they need to keep away from my Books and stop following me around except when they are sharing the salary that gets to their heads; it should change into something of a point where all these gimmicks began to develop into something more serious. We are doing this wholly because they never keep off my property and have developed some insults associated with a fabricated idea that I act and then hang up somewhere regretting it and putting myself through hell to put it right while their got their stupid imagination up my bum and it is this nonsense that their culture and society troublemakers run with while the Media insults get completely out of hand. They boast all the time that I am on the backfoot which is utter nonsense as nothing prevents me from getting into a habit of feeling protected from society and culture troublemakers getting an imagination up my bum and the Media idiots pretending, I am a child because I never respond to their antics, to such an extent they are dishing out imaginary discipline every moment, discipline that becomes profitable. So all would have been averted especially in terms of their hurting bottoms, if their only business with me was to buy and read the Books I have written but we know they will never admit to making worse the problems I resolved to write the Books in the first place by this behaviour and then spend their time complaining about the outcome being my problem because their stupidities were more important. So we see the backfoot story is entirely developed around a matter of wearing suits, telling lies and building up those lies to such an extent that careers are wrecked and it usually likes to tell people if it was described as an idiot there would be trouble – so it is supposed to be the good old culture issue where the Clever ones die and then the Female leaders picked the stupid ones for sex and lies thing, which if I mentioned will suggest that I am playing games with my own life, while reality is that they do this every day and I know they are at it because it bothers society and culture people to a point of action and it never stops; it happened yesterday and it has been going on for over a decade, happening every day. Keeping away from my Books and not following me around is still the best exist for these fools and myself, whatever issues are pushing them are a personal problem that they need to solve and keep off my concerns.

They have even told me that the fact I expose myself where I shouldn’t is a bigger problem than the fact people are always stuck somewhere doing something for them and not getting paid for it while their insults are thrown around because of the salaries they never share because it is not enough to, hence the obsession with the issues my Books have resolved and the stupidities expressed all over my finances looking for as much trouble as it can find and telling the lies on Media for it – I don’t expose myself anywhere at all; what really happens is that if I told people I am an Arch Prince they would think it was a joke but if they knew I am and I told them that I am while they had wrecked the finances and I carry around their insults like a part of my personality, what happens is that they are stuck somewhere using their brains painfully – so progress from here should be the idea they can express their hate at whomsoever they bloody well wished or they could give me my space and stop making my personality out to be something Politicians damage and leave for them to play with in order to move up in the world, spend the time solving their problems. They do claim the problem to be that I never achieved anything in the first place, which is a matter for debate all together; what we have been doing is letting the women make the progress first and then we hung around later talking about who has actually damaged the career, it is now beyond contestation the idiots that spend all their time doing that and why they are always protecting something from others, even though they put up the sense this nonsense was rather amusing to them – it has been said that I have the ability to make these matters more seriously but appear not to take it that seriously myself which is not the case; it can only get as serious as the business of those who enjoy showing up, reading and buying the Books I have written not show up to make me spend my time pleasing people and not getting paid for it because I am courting custom, they never say they are contributing to the problems I resolved to create the Books and that their stupidities are the ones complaining the most about the consequences of that; so they don’t expect me to show down that free work I do but I do shut it down every day, put it up on a website and when they touch it they don’t become me like they think their media and football will allow them access the Monarchy to do, it churns their tummy, they issue threats at me and stop talking rubbish all the time but the abusive tummy churning insults that does damage is becoming something I need to take care of physically as well. The Politicians say that there is a sense all I am doing is building some form of false confidence that gets people thinking I can handle these matters while I cannot – the truth of course is rather that I can handle it; one of those cases where it has become something very difficult and you are thinking of the bad feuds in which somebody cheats another or maybe not and then one person in a partnership runs away with a big profit, the company fail and the Partnership ends but one person is still so bitter he wants to sleep with the wife of the other as payment and they hate each other to a point of deadly violence, compared to the business of very insulting scum who think that the true meaning of their foolish freedom is to get on media and require your assets to win their contracts in the City with, of course if this were to lead to a punch up situation, there is every possibility you will end up wanting an outcome in which one of you did not come out of it alive.

They do claim they will put all their money into action and crush me but we know if I waited for them at the business and economic cycle to see how their stupidities will invest my assets while I am still breathing, no such nonsense will occur – for now however, I have pointed out beyond the business of starting to cultivate a habit of being immune to a process of their culture and society fools getting imagination up my bum, a process where they pee, pee, pee get into my life and extract money from a market I have worked for, a process where they run off their careers on my publicity, a process where some of the most stupid get money for venues and equipment that help them make money on my public image, that keeping away from my Books and not following me around was the part that worked for everybody, save if they were going to share their salary with me and therefore take responsibility for the effects of their stupidities working on Media. What really stops me from acting is because the involvement of their foolish Politicians who think the irresponsibility their actions exhibit at Parliament is the power they had over others, makes this dangerous i.e. I know what I have left is about 70% of what I originally started with and what I have spent is not a matter of some great risk associated with economic activity but wholly the practical jokes that will make them feel good about themselves enough to like who they are instead of wanting to be me, so if this nonsense about putting money up somewhere and placing pressure on others to get people parting with money because of the money they have seen, instead of doing a business properly or doing a job properly where to get bear the national treasury, we know there will be little money left in it in a short period of time – personally, its all a matter of the fact they were obviously going to take what they liked from this place only with their big mouth. So I am told I enjoy taking away peoples freedoms but there is no part of this story that will end in a process where I share the market numbers systems of this Hermitage with any other person or entity on this planet or beyond it – apparently I have no rights as a human being because I have things others don’t, they get on my Public image and career to blow off their big mouth about attacking me all the time instead of their own; still the same story where it needs keep away from the Books and stop following me around as the insulting need to handle my person is set to develop from insolence that it began with into something much more serious a narcissistic happiness that makes people rich, as stupidly as possible.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland