some people have suggested the way I ran my concerns was a waste of time and space but it is not, the original form of narcissism in this Country was to do with people running secret communities in the City and there coming into their midst rogue elements which eventually produced outcomes where people went to prison and liberal politicians suggested that ex criminals were the ones that had answered the call of freedom, leaving the civil rights gits to suggest their freedoms relied on the personal and social lives of those who had built an existence they had not experienced before. Now we know the narcissism is wantonly running about on the streets and people are being set out as characters to be bullied in order to get along with the wealthy – so it has an opinion about my chest and my tummy and my anus all the time and too many of them have the opinion as well, continues to show up here for other reasons but a process where it read my Books and showed regard for my career, to pick up my earning margins, shoot off its big mouth about a block and mock me for having made money at my expense anyway.

This is rather separate from the other question on Royals that support it, which is a completely different story i.e. if royals supported popularity for example, the risk was that I had fans in the work environment, anything I did about the idea that the only way they could be popular was to tear down my social life and academic pursuits, show up here following trends with ideas about what I will be forced to do, will produce results where they   set about grabbing peoples jobs to get me into trouble but if I said that all they did was about me as it involved handling my concerns, my property, my patents etc, the problem was that there was no way to work it without a vindictive process of taking time to ensure their stupidities were worse off.

The question asked now is that of what attracts them to me for this sort of behaviour. As far as I am aware, this was the irony of it all i.e. it has picked up and explored my civic duties, invented ideas about ripping up my finances to get me into one fight after another as this was the way its stupidities had to be an important person. The eventual consequence of ripping up my career and finances whilst its parents engaged in outdoor activity that churns my tummy suggesting they were my parents too, while their stupidities were my stronger siblings, finished off with a need to make money and fame from my public image, build communities that finger my bum, raise a problem with a smell issue all the way to National Media and speak of neighbourhood blocks to which effect they arrived in the area first, is a bid to work some massive civil convenience, similar to the time that the other group planned their lives on public investment funds, ran down my career to access it, I stopped them and they got involved with security services to bother me all the time, once I set out they were better off doing their jobs more competently, the convenience was a process of setting me out as scapegoat while they got rich from civil rights movements that got in league with the security services. So, I bet the most recent gimmicks is chasing something racial. The others that loved to bring up my history in the security industry and work the German influence madness over it were an old story – entitled to insult others and never stopped running me down, save when the prostitutes picked it up and handled the public life to sell sex to characters that rip up peoples studies to take up 6 figure salaries, then realise they did not want to do the work for the Office applicable, which outcome on the matrimonial front is that the partner will leave for somebody younger etc – or I may show I had some psychotic tendencies going on here as well, so set about breaking up the relationship and attacking somebody violently while at it. The history is not mine, contrary to the claim that they have made a mess and given me a difficult experience, it is a process of having my personal life soaked properly in issues associated with bad social decisions that get people into trouble with the Police, then the idiots picked me up at the bathroom, kitchen and bedroom, to share with YMCA and homeless centres etc because I suppose they were the type to do it - they can always make it my history to find out what I want to do about their House proud stupidities and that of their celebrities talking to me abusively like they were public figures, which effect is that they were public figures that could not cover their backsides – it believes it will bully me into doing so many things for them and as always I like to say enough had not yet died on such nonsense. The rest of it will be the Asians and Muslims – the Muslims are always so disobedient, so although they were aware of the damage that will be done for building me a reputation which involved my career being grabbed and sold to people from well off neighbourhoods while I worked intellectual property administration, they built me one anyway to test the theory that I could do what people said, same as the Asians but whilst the muslims would be real men when I start as well by doing some Jihad, the Asians will take the gay thing to a whole new level, both of which are separate from the blacks that are currently running my life with social systems criminals built for criminal activities.

The Politicians have suggested two things in the end and one is that I am running around in circles with problems that never end and there was no real way to counter their activities but there was as for the latter I have mentioned already that the bottom chasing issue was their history, making it my history will take what we have already done about abusive activities, consequences for which people claim they were oblivious to, onto a whole new stage, so that it might keep its abusive gimmicks and trivia career away from my earnings well enough – the matter of chasing problems that go round in circles is not really accurate as it is associated with Intellectual Property Administration i.e. if somebody tore down another person’s career to employ criminals in the neighbourhoods and try to ensure the victim did not recover, it would look like the things I have said, besides which there is the governmental aspects, where we are expected to hate the cultural right that makes decisions about the work Police were doing, as a matter of their careers be it good or bad and it is this process of making a decision be it good or bad, that should get people hating them but it is the Celebrities and the cultural left that were entitled not to make any decision at all, so they spend their time working out how to attack public figures who make those decisions to provide leadership in order to get rich – give it a chance and it will fuck you properly, if you did not fuck it first properly – so the issue is always the really stupid and abusive characters among the cultural right who support them, like the one I have recently rented a space with, after five years everything had stagnated including even my ability to get into a relationship with the opposite sex and I am paying my rent for such nonsense too, recently I have seen on the column that shows social media profiles that are good for me to follow, its stupid profile show up – the first one was a black person and enjoyed that gimmick where my personality suggested I was an important person but they really were, giving it a disposition to say whatever it liked in my direction, ended up fighting my wars, so we await the way that this will end – currently fighting for its life sharing my space with every stupid popularity low life that fingers my bum and complains about smell because it had annoyed its stupid self in the process as well and wants to announce its situation in the world at my expense all the time.

They claim its all black peoples problems that I ran away from all the time because I preferred white people looking into it which is utter nonsense – what happens is that they go overseas to pick up the effects of what tyrants had done, show up here to tear down the lives of those who had lives they had not yet tasted, the tyrants sense an opportunity and show up in the cities to boost interests and income, then league twats to keep an eye on it, either before government settles it with the tyrants or after, they will then share their money with charitable organisation to make sense of their place in the world, which is after they trashed everything in this place, supposing I let them get away with it. The response is what they say is evidence of the fact my allegiances do not lie in the UK but of course it does not, it shows their civil disobedience knows no limits, like they have picked up my career and for five years now are running my life with social systems criminals controlled, to say they will stop running off gimmicks to make a mess of it, once I did something to get into trouble with the Police and therefore show I am brave enough to deserve it – will continue until I bad person starts as well and then they will suggest they did not have liability, they do it with all cultural disposition they can find, whenever somebody had not gotten seriously harmed. Then we find them suggest that their civil disobedience fights peoples battles whilst we know it will during a political function identify with public investment funds and we will need twice the police presence which is very likely not to have been foreseen by the organisers. It shows especially when they claim that I suggested they did not have power over me but they did, which is utter nonsense – the appetite for selfishness and to show up in other peoples lives for it without warning is incredible: a miniscule slice of National wealth in return for the destruction of other peoples lives and careers to suck up to people who spend money making trouble for others, showing up here to pretend their debauched stupidities can control either side, talking nonsense as a House proud twat endlessly but it is my wealth equity under assault naturally, a simple process where women got involved with an Arch Prince to build products that goons who spent their money making trouble for others, could not resist, is now the means by which I am in a forever punishment inflicted by feminist twats who needed to ensure somebody suffered for bad things that happened to women but then again it is always entitled to abuse and insult people but the relationship it has established with the wealthy people who spend money making trouble for others, was its responsibility.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland