Now I am said to be getting about making a lot of trouble but the matter has always had a rather simple explanation i.e. what has been brought about because I wrote a Book is a group of goons showing up on my public image to invent various other reasons for people to get involved with me save my Books and the outcome has eventually been that getting involved wastes the Books and makes people money so there is no need for the Books and we have four times as much attention for some other reason than there is an attention paid to my Books which does not really lead to a sale, with them collecting their own salaries on Media and Public service to play up some domination gimmicks by; so the idea of going around looking for trouble is because my stress levels are up there and I intend to keep their own stress levels to play games with too. The girls always tend to show up and continue this sense they would fancy nothing more than a process where I was handled and I felt alone and dejected so they might feel good about themselves, to claim they were working on the matter before I stopped them and that I deserve all I get which makes me so angry because what really happens is that I am listening to what women do when they are keeping an eye on culture and society trouble makers whereby if people kill each other they attack those who had nothing to do with it, not as if they do not kill the innocent so that others who had a job to do maintaining law an order may have to make a difficult decision – then they showed up, invited themselves, told some lies about me in a world of women, took over and soon ended up stuck with the Men and realised it was my problem after years of gut wrenching health racking insults that is supposed to earn them fame and importance, so it is clear I was not talking to them, never mind a propensity to get them seriously hurt in order to stop them interfering either with my conversations or my Public image to seek that stupid fame and fortune they appear to make only by passing insults at me. The point is that the only method I know how to handle these matters by is to take from them everything that facilitates those stupidities that allow them interfere with what I am doing and bring my whole life to stop because they were determined to make me respond to what passes on their left and right hand side, which has no meaning whatsoever considering I have dropped out of University because of it to begin with and it’s usually a case of mockery until I had done the destruction before it stops.

I mean the Books I wrote to keep organised criminals out of mainstream living which they made a mess of and then decided that when the criminals started getting involved with their Celebrity world, it was time to get my working for them on seeing that I am unable to sell my Books is the reason we have ended up in this disposition, especially considering their stupidities have got some foolish media by which to undercut me at areas of my career where I have done my best job and play up silly practical jokes for everyday; so just to provide a sense of what I am talking about, I have not earned anything from my Books because of these Celebrity idiots since 2013 and we are now heading towards the last two months of 2018, I have never actually found it as amusing and they have.

They always claim that my Books provoke people but we know the only people provoked by my Books happen to be some goons who have criminal children and want me to do something brave that will stop their children doing crime, which means if they had physically handled me, they will be handling some National enemies as well; the rest of the time, all provocation caused by my Books are built by incredibly stupid Media busy body fools that believe they had found a new freedom for as long as they had not yet suffered dearly for it and I have heard them boast on several occasions about getting somebody killed the way that John Lennon was killed, no idea what the scum are talking about yet all together as it were. It is not my Books causing the provocation, it is what Celebrity lifestyle is about i.e. standing somewhere Public to get total strangers taking pictures of you and showering you with adulation but while there is nothing wrong with you and nobody has shoved your own yet, you pick up a Book written by an Arch Prince and set about making a mess of the sales and earnings to get culture and society trouble makers churning his tummy first and then start to blame others for the outcome looking supposedly I guess for somebody that is going to harm you seriously before you had thought it is not a worthy activity, then get about interrupting the conversations of your victims to continue the drive towards the usurping of Public image wherever you find it – it is what these idiots think means they are so important they can continue to get on my nerves as much as they wish; so what has become obvious is that if each time it shows up to expect love from total strangers in order to keep a celebrity lifestyle, it’s about mine instead, it will continue to look an impossible task if I wanted to go out on a walk in the evening with dear wife and kids, so I am going to issue a warning that expresses this fact that running my life has become a danger to them and their stupidities until the end of November 2018 and beyond this stage I will get myself a life henceforth. Especially so as they have begun to tackle my Publishers as well, the world in which my Books are being sold by my Publishers which has nothing whatsoever to do with them and it creeps on like that complaining about the consequences on Media everyday like a disease, leaving me fighting heart disease and finding out it cannot keep its filthy self-seeking opinions away from my concerns.

what brings on most of the problem of course is the way that others wish to make their ineffective solutions concerning the way these matters affect them into my priority while spending their time on some form of corruption which affects my personal earnings - so they call this process of goons showing up on Media to talk like a person did when he was taken over by a demon while an exorcism was being performed some sort of Industrial narcissism and then tell me that I describe myself as an Arch Prince all the time which makes a mess of my matter while it does not. The truth is that it is supposed to be challenging to hold the position but it is usually simple as long as one follow HM rules, hence there is really no complain whatsoever, just as they say that I never serve the Armed Forces enough while all I do is meant to facilitate the jobs of those who work for the State - what really happens is that they believe that it holds sway over me when they make out they find it impossible to take me seriously as such but it’s the old case of not being able to get on with some Girl who does popular culture and gets involved with the resident of a Hermitage without real Men claiming the record companies own parts of my public image if not all of it and then the whole business of such a girl setting out that she feels the weight of her community and school mates etc because of their abusive distractions will run through lost in translation and into obscurity, besides which it’s all well saying I am a trouble maker but the reality is still that when somebody who does popular culture gets involved with a Hermit it is really none of their business. As for the business of making mention of my Office often; what I had since done with respect to abuses that have to do with me carrying out activities that are not Royal at all, it has now become public reality that I have taken the bottom whipping away from them and placed it with Industry workers, while I intend to shut down all of their free to access handling of my person and public image blabbing about how telling them off only constitutes a sense that they cannot be bothered to take me seriously.

Their problem naturally is that by doing these things, they have not stopped corrupting my State provided security and everything that had been created for me to facilitate how I get about what the Crown requires from me and some of them are now using it for a filthy form of corruptibility based personal advancement which is having such a difficult time being successful that they have begun to exhibit tendency to become a physical threat.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland