Difficult to tell what stage exactly civil rights, popularity and Media goons believed they broke free of security processes I had developed to ensure they do not talk like persons undergoing exorcism just before the demons left them, to threatening me because they want to be free of where their personal problems have left them and have money issues, especially when American living in a Country where practicing Satanism is legal, showing up here to tell lies all the time.
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Please excuse the untidy nature of my work, I have developed it in this way due to a need to work counteracting to a process where leadership may have been deployed to make the world a more difficult place to live in one person onto the other and some still may have deployed employment as a tool of discipline another human being usually for the sake of personal greed.

Mind some racial slurs, in context they mean nothing but never the less must be explained as a response to my position being incessantly compromised by people who also want everybody to think they do not need help from my exorcist and hence in a circular sense, need to become more responsible persons.












Browsing Archive: February, 2015


Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, February 25, 2015,

That I am a victim of abuse is utter nonsense, I am not a victim of abuse, those who try such things and those who bandy them around have never achieved such trophy; the reality is that it is the same old story about twisted evil people and ideas about somebody they think they want to ensure all their problems happens to in order to relieve them of it and allow them make progress thereof with their stupid lives and for me it’s a matter of the fact they think I am supposing they are doing ed...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, February 22, 2015,

So officially my position on racism is very unclear but it does not need to be, there is no racism going on only people being so ruthless over matters of greed and money that others have decided racism was better since it is an evil they are familiar with, so that when told it is racism they accept it when it really isn’t. So when I say they are looking for proper racism since it is clear when it comes to money they will use absolutely anything I know what I am saying because of course the...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, February 11, 2015,

Now the blacks especially say I have been pushed into violence because I keep seeking attention by tempting fate of course which does not make any sense whatsoever since the truth is that I may be in charge but they are older than me and nobody will ever work out what it is about me that they enjoy insulting so much; hence based on the fact if I abuse them in such ways as well it becomes an advantage when they get on media to resolve it but if they do me they wreck my finances and foster orga...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, February 8, 2015,

They do say people like me who claim the Labour Party is anti business need to be clear about what we mean and it will never make sense when everybody can see them hound somebody and wreck their business with apparatus of government claiming they find it amusing but explaining themselves away as something they are doing because the guy is showing it is easy to be successful in their society and when years had elapsed on the matter and it turns out they had made their point and people don’t ...

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I do get told that since Celebrities ripped up my academic work and finances, everything I do and say simply gets copied by people who think I am responsible for them and therefore which gives them the advantage, having set themselves up with money and media but we know it only thrives for as long as I do not destroy it to end the vandalism and financial complications I face here because of it; that said, there is still value in letting it run for a while as it tends to show it’s a punishment for those who think working for money is a good thing since what will happen is that I get forced into preaching it and then when I am desperate there is no more money left for me at the market no matter how hard I was willing to work for it and we know its not only important to ensure the ideology is exposed and wasted but also to draw attention to the fact the only other group of people who have familiarly behaved in that way are criminals.

For parents who raise their children to such nonsense, its not really true that I am the alternative to the very bad people and violent criminals who would have left them bereaved as such, contrary to the insulting ideas they have built up so far.

I am told I should be successful with what I have done but am not never the less and this is true; its all down to society idiots that had started the story of my whole life ending up in the hands of Media and Celebrities from where I could never recover it, claiming that what I have done to them because their fantasies go up my anus as I walk down the streets and they do not like to get into a situation with others in which they allowed another person had the right of way got completely out of hand. Its usually this stupid; dragged me out of University and did not start this gimmick between the first and sixth year after that, it planned it well and started these gimmicks around the eighth year when it knew if its stupid girls and boys made up stories about me being a bum there would be a sense of popularity credibility to it and is now claiming it has got connections at my expense; so I did drop out of University on the same Year the Global economic crisis took hold of the worlds economies and now this nonsense has just kicked off at the best possible time for them again which coincides with the exact time when it was obvious that I will never make progress with myself unless I got my Book sold and completed my academic work – so it’s a question I cannot avoid answering now that I have undeniable evidence, that human beings can be faultlessly stupid such as these and hence the part where they say that my promise to ensure they saw that stupid culture and society for the last time if I got my hands on it was a bluff, will be the one where they do not know me well enough and actually should be worried about me getting away with it as it were.

I do get told that mine is not an acceptable way to view other human beings but the unacceptability of anything I say and do is usually the descriptive part of it, hence people need lay off my case and layabout somewhere else. This nonsense is really about popularity and the real enemy here is employment as these are gits that hate work but need lots of money at the same time - they will plan it to any lengths and do anything to get away with it, which is why it is important Politicians mind their business. The Media on the other hand provide the same temporary support that Politicians provide and then blame others for on account they assume they have the same powers that the Politicians do I guess.

I mean they have brainwashed their civil rights goons into this idea the word work was the enemy but I did not suppose substituting it for Employment like I have here, tended to have shown employment as an enemy for some very clever people that are not usually respected because there is injustice in society out there. It has always been three Categories of people in this matter - talented people, hard workers and these goons building up incentives for hoodlums that CEOs and Managers get around with; they are always going to target the talented which is why Politicians need to keep out of it with State matters in hand as it were - I for my part have now because of a need to make out my whole life is now in the hands of Media and Celebrities where I would never recover it, ended up losing money as this was something they did at the exact stage where working on trading my Books had become the only way for me and this means I have worked for something that I was not paid for doing and is a trend that their stupidities believe is set to continue - it does look like that foolish civil right is about to become incapable of supporting them while at work because I had wasted all the equities in it the same way I cannot be free from seeing them show up around my Books.


 This is the British Arch Prince's Live Journal work Court which is comprising of Female Journalists. Government at the Office of which they aid in curating to the effect of a settlement with those who chase frivolities and force them on others with any means they can at the beginning of every week for the Royal Estate and the people that are tied to it. The outcome therefore are two matters developed around the Arch Prince of leadership for the needs of the Court and Leadership of One's Family. This is how everyday at the Royal Estate belonging to one nicknamed the Morning Sun is facilitated.  

I understand it is said I never do anything properly and it will as such cost me everything, which has no basis on reality since the truth is rather that the stupidities of theirs with their government organised integration and social equality can easily mean that what an idiot wants to do around you every single moment is find out how much history she has with you; she thinks her evil and wickedness now exists in a bubble where the world is convinced there is neither God nor the devil and I am stuck as her plaything and it is a behaviour they all want to cash into, based on some great plan to punish me for ruining the evils they practice but cannot control because they think it always comes out on top otherwise bad things will happen.

That said, the part I have done very well however is rip up their side of society and assimilate it with the rest and that means that they claim they become more dangerous and it is utter nonsense since it will only produce a system that we here in the UK being the British can export i.e. whether or not tyrant is surrounded by rich murderers, when you kill somebody in the capacity of National service of some sort, it will always result in a dispute that is in the interest of the guy in charge to resolve and hence one way or the other you will answer for your actions whenever they are a bad thing; so in the interest of this if I see their culture and or society around here I will cut it up again as it were. It is not the only part I did very well anyway - there is the other about their persuasive nonsense targeting the Armed Forces and the Police, which they are not anymore as it were, now that their society is broken up and assimilated and they can persuade from there.


I understand they say I am getting out of hand while people are being friendly to me; but that will be if entrapment and squander which does not exclude violence by civil rights is friendly, if financial bullying is friendly, if a need to get up on media and look towards a time when I will be all spent while that carries on everyday is friendly and then there is my personal favourite and a need to watch me every day and find some counter evil to build from my Christian activities that the twisted wickedness I may have avoided in my teens can recover with and thereby have power over my personal life again and all over again so to speak and they say they are hoping to sell it on as trappings of power to wicked and rich people who have money they can spend and they call it integration and friendliness; we are not mates and even if they do think it is friendly I am sure they are not deaf when I say I don’t want it, especially so when it is because they have needs. They do say its about the effrontery to try and get around in their league that causes the problem but this is just a mention of a few vital items in the list of friendliness from them, the one about getting around with them will have to do with how they need to build a public perception concerning the way you look just in case they need some public humiliation to be laid out for you when you refuse to co-operate with their needs, which is all about money and that they think money is all about going off to grab peoples possessions before they get a look in which creates a two teir understanding that in their minds you are less than human and for you especially for those of them that already have money to spare, in your mind they are less their human too but I am content with making it clear I do not want their friendship. Of course they say all I say and do mean nothing as it largely ends up with society low lives but the purpose is that whilst the Politicians can whip them up to pillage my work and finances by corruptions of involvement they claim is democracy and accountability, they will need to blow up their ear drums to avoid knowing things that will ensure they are doing something to pay off the National budget deficit they created - I have a problem and they have a problem too, they get involved with me, they lose the society and culture which evils I cannot stand, so we are even and the benefit is that successful people are not longer exclusively our outlook as a society, these fools have things others do not have as well.


 Trading Equities and Securities released from royal property to raise funds and cash is a real and serious business: I know I have trouble telling that to insolent developing economy fools that wish to be able to get on International media to address me as much as they like all the time, foolish money mad Americans that are convinced of their need and ability to handle people’s property whenever they make an excuse for it that such persons are not physically present at a venue and then make a mockery out of it later because they feel it would not have mattered if he was. It is a business that works with close friends and allies for whom I purchase time during difficult economic periods and broker my creative equities and securities during trading times that are good, from work done and properties held at a Half Monastery Government office, in order to sell my books and I do not think they fall into that category anyway and are therefore not meant to be seen anywhere near the products unless they are fans that have purchased the books and therefore can be. Fair to reiterate then that the fact that a Large Proportion of American Politicians and American Citizen but very large American media want to be recognised as keepers of my Royal Estate, Royal and Public work and Royal property and it has now reached a stage where they should be given Global and International recognition for such a responsibility.

We do hear tales told of how much trouble I will or I am to get into anyway but it is difficult to see or envisage how that will come about or apply - when considering the nature of homosexual culture and the operation of homosexual abuse and attacks and violence designed to ensure that those that are specifically protected by female friends from homosexuality are institutionally prevented from spreading such ideas, rather interesting that they do so once done with their intrusion in search for power before hand but it is even more remarkable that the basis on which they do is civil rights - some right that they have of a civility. Much the same with the claim the free for all attitude towards my person and public life and possessions is largely a matter of how I speak of facts concerning peoples culture and society that creates a condition where they have to deal with unforeseen problems which then makes no sense whatsoever and keeps going around in circles and the Politicians really love to claim that I sit around at the most vantage points imaginable, points where I gain the first benefits of hindsight from other peoples government work in order to dispatch stinging and insulting criticisms but it has always been the same issue always - in terms of their media fools the reality around that is the same as the need to get me stuck in a cause from which I am being forced to make a living so they can get on public places and glorify themselves with everything I come up with, this means certainty of clash with authorities for each small margin that exists where they know more than those in power who will then take steps to rout them and drag them to prison for being a source of instability but for those of them that become Politicians their insults develops into a whole new level and is largely concerned with an absence of Local or International Policy that is not an Us v Them affair, so that when you do take steps to eliminate the part where people die due to the optional extra of you destroy one I destroy three that they love to play with criminals they seem to know very well, then it gets really personal and we start to see them seek some ways of placing obvious sanctions on peoples income. For me I find it really difficult to ascertain what this vantage point I have adopted seems to have been when I am targeted because of my faith and the claim there is glory to be had from corrupting it - even their media idiots are in on the act so I might never get decorum of their Government Office from them.

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