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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, July 19, 2018,

They say the matter of disrespect on my part has become such a serious issue that it is a crisis but I am lost as per what they mean disrespect anyway – what we know is that there will be a much reduced levels of violence and abuse and vandalism and all the matters which cause their insolent paranoia and narcissism if they were able to do what I am doing but their problem is that the only way they can is to buy and read Books I have written. So, we find they much prefer the abusive insults ...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, April 5, 2018,

They say what happens on Media over my case is my fault because I show up on other peoples media jobs to do my own stuff but for the last five years we have seen a classic case of my only income being sourced from unemployment support because they were making sure my Books did not get sold to play a game where delay is the same as denial as they say in social issues. It becomes a question of where and when the pricks would think their Media practical jokes are inappropriate not a matter of de...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, November 15, 2017,

Today’s main story on Media is apparently that I believe I can defend myself from those who want to confiscate my entire empire and get around with the EU along with other of their really stupid friends in the US and the UK, in order to boost their income and get the Politicians to claim its economic recovery and that it is all desires as I have now been broken and beaten down while reality is rather that everybody knows if I started a story of my own which concerned the fact everything the...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Friday, April 8, 2016,

There is talk of course of a war on women – there is no such war here even though I am at the forefront of it by some strange Media Industry game; what happens is that they realise I see the world according to what I see and what I smell and what I hear, so they get into my space to  bask in it for pleasure and personal power vandalism all day long and in order to do so, start their own campaign that my personality contrary to being the way it is because I am an Arch Prince with duties to t...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, June 1, 2015,

There is this story of me provoking Politicians by being me which they find insulting because it suggests I am more important than they are but at the end of the day, I need conservatives and the reasons for it is that whilst matters of International relations and this problem of Countries that are bigger than the UK being respected is sorted out, which it needs to be because they want it so much and needs to be on the basis of which big Countries can help us manage our small one while we dis...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, April 16, 2015,

On one hand they say I tell people too many things about myself which makes no sense whatsoever as we all know these goons will never ever think what I tell them is more important than the evils they perform on account they think nobody is paying attention, while on the other they claim it’s a matter of what I say which means these goons chase around important people which makes no sense either as the important people are supposed to have been like these goons anyway; it’s like when I hav...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Saturday, August 31, 2013,

Now the idea I will get into trouble with the Russians is utter rubbish too; I mean the question is that of what empirical evidence a group of media scum have which proves that Russia will become a democracy in another couple of years? But it is the same story with idiots handling my property in order to turn out in communist territories to democratise the world with their insolent and filthy fascist nonsense – they have daughters as well and those can never ever stop stealing. All I know i...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Saturday, April 27, 2013, In : New Media??? 


Of course I am aware of that talk that I am becoming a figure of mockery because I am so poor; I do not know that it matters either for my part, the reality being of course that those that do such things and their fools and publicity can have the money if they want. I mean I know what makes them tick and they do not seem to show any regard for such a fact – I know their entire live rotates around the process of being able to work violent discrimination aga...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, August 7, 2012, In : Money and ideological dishonesty 


The claim I have sex with other peoples wives has no bearing with reality. The truth is that they are a group of idiots that do nothing but fantasise about sex with younger slimmer and more beautiful women. So in order to catch these women mess up and attack my finances to set me up for the violent attention and after they had the women, set out to stage two of their plans to keep their extra pleasures which had to do with controlling what their wives fantas...

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 They do say I support government austerity of course and there is really no such thing; here in the UK The Labour Party which is the socialist trouble makers we have spurning other scams such as the SNP for instance made the NHS and the Police force into a job creation racket and so there were to structural changes to ensure the waste of public funds works for the government of the Country, unlike when they did with the creation of a New Supreme Court because people were on their case and I myself had developed my own grey areas for abusing and attacking them and getting away with it too, this therefore has meant each time the Nation decides on a different leadership but their own the incoming government will see these two institutions as unfit for purpose and that level of stupidity and waste of tax payer funds by a collection of selfish, twisted and spiritually evil and greedy idiots who spend all our time telling us about nothing save standard of living issues and austerity could never have gone on for eternity anyway . I don’t think it’s a problem because I know what I am dealing with; it’s always a story of how they have some money and how they get to add some more money to it by taking advantage of somebody and then comes the question of why ever on earth taking advantage of somebody every single time, which is what expresses their true evil and twisted nature all together i.e. the primary purpose is to satisfy a desire and if that desire is satisfied the stage will be set for civil rights to help them get rich while they get to hound others until people work for it for them but the part where they want to be rich and famous all together always comes as a result of the realisation that a condition where they are seen as losers can end because you are an adult that simply have no opportunity to stop working for things and when that is combined with their need to get off and create grey areas that allow criminals to make money, they think they are feeling the hand of history on their shoulders and I for my part do not know what their problem over my books really is anyway, I don’t know what they want from me save the understanding that if they kill off the sense they are losers just like they love to mess with the legal system to create grey areas that allow criminals to make money and a problem they have with the state of affairs of the law, if they end the sense they are losers people will not mess with their need to get rich. Its as they say; whether I have no other thing to be concerned about save slapping down socialists all the time but again the reality is starker i.e. assassination of peoples leaders hooray that is a socialist ideal, encouragement of paedophilia and sexual abuse that will cover their desire for it when they are being restricted both through public attention that they have been seeking and got over the year and other things that ensure they cannot hide hooray that is a socialist ideal and it goes on and on and on and you can list them if you wanted and it is always okay for them to get on media and challenge of course except we will hear the complains when I kick them too.

They do say I am actually scared of them but the whole prognosis of the fact when people think they are political hot rods and mavericks it means that they have to have a go at me has not yet resulted in serious problem; only complains about things I have done which I can reverse because I should actually have been scared of them in the first place but then again if they express their hatred at me in order to make use of my personal and thinking space in a grand way with impunity again and I handle them again it is very likely to have become a profession in the process being something I do for money. That said, I do not think it a crisis, its a simple matter of the fact I am paying attention to my finances and have to care about the matter of people leaning on me to do business and leaning on me to do media and leaning on me to do Politics and leaning on me to do civil rights and they are the only group of people doing that, using it to hurt me as well but it is the threats that kill me since it was their own in the first place.

Naturally the whole business of the appearance I do not seem to work hard enough on security matters, which creates this outcome where people need to assist me as they believe I am not strong enough to handle certain issues, which is quite right, except each time they back onto the fact I am Royalty and it is probable what I think about doing is something I know how to tackle i.e. the only way that those who are stronger than I am and fear for my safety will have their own safety jeopardised by something I am doing will be when I am not working hard enough on it and this largely refers to criminality matters, such as young people and criminals chasing addiction and attacking people randomly to ensure they secure finances and market for it - same as smoke screen for criminality Media Journalists relentless and ever abiding disobedient practical jokes with peoples livelihood and finances, when they wish to interpret their civil rights as a process of extracting an income from the wealthy city centre without having to do any more work for it than has been imposed on them by force, it therefore usually gives way to the throwing peoples valuables to fat cats that they and the young people who follow them at popular culture work so hard to prepare themselves to do, that they believe absolutely everybody is taken by the stories they tell of work being imposed on them and of course at the heart of the supply of start up finances and mobility for such things is a bit too much of Politicians showing up in peoples lives.
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