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Showing category "Useless seniors" (Show all posts)


Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, January 16, 2020,

It is then said I am being punished for something and I don’t know what I am being punished for either – it is really not meant to be a matter here as such, since it is clear that if I eliminated everything which suggests I am a sad person, such stories will have no credibility. We know the same applies with the fact I am told not to pay too much attention to the smell issues and to avoid picking up matters all over the place to set out a stage which may lead to a mistaken process of puni...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, January 13, 2020,

People are now concerned that they have failed me or something but I am rather concerned this does not become the main issue besides which I don’t feel that way. What really happens is that with Government business the primary concern is to keep society trouble makers working corruption at the Office and to keep culture trouble makers getting all over their popularity to deploy State Office as a tool that covers their arse while they make trouble to secure fame and fortune on the Public ima...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, December 31, 2019,

I am now told that I appear to seek leadership while I have endless problems which will never go away and we know that both claims are not founded on reality in anyway whatsoever. I have not got any endless problems, only the Men thing where each one had an idea what being a man should be about and enjoy talking a nag nagging social issues at me to churn my tummy every time I step outside of my door, then issue stupid threats because I smell of what I ate as a result of it – the most prolif...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, September 12, 2019,

I am told that I believe Americans like me while they don’t and its irrelevant what people think when they don’t like me; what I know is that some years ago, I wrote a Book which supported some Americans on their self-provided security issues and have since not been allowed a days peace by the spiritually evil nonsense that runs completely out of hand there, the reasons however that they have once again been able to permeate mainstream living which means I am going round and round in circ...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, June 2, 2019,

Now I am said to spend a lot of my time allowing Celebrities to take advantage of me and its not really fact; the fact of what is happening is that Celebrities have continued to pillage my life and work on account that having a Public image makes me some sort of great servant who just get around knowing what they should be and then being made to tell them all about it if the pressure was right. Since they had started, they have become the ones with a Public image, while Industry goons who mak...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, May 16, 2019,

I understand it is said I do not care if it mattered that the Country was divided but the Country is not divided because of Political lines it is because of the old reasons why Monarchy and Politicians clash in the UK i.e. the need for Politicians to divide up the population and write off a certain part of it, then we find that they become obsessed immediately after with a need to ensure they tore up peoples academic work and finances in order to develop a structure which ensures that for eve...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, April 10, 2019,

The general sensibility now is that I can never stop blaming others for my problems, which problems I have no idea I have anyway – the reality is rather a matter of the fact that I have had to explain what my world is like and how I organise myself to run my daily concerns, what happens when I have to chase some academic activities and what the consequences are when people show up to extricate pleasurable fooling around from it too; so its all good doing it just as we know we have such hist...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, December 5, 2018,

I hear the Politicians claim they will never rest until I am properly disciplined and made to behave, so I rather like to think it tends to mean that the need they have to wreck peoples finances and groom them for rape by society people is that they are sexually frustrated which gets them spending less time in bed, more time at work, makes them incredibly stupid and leaves them with a talent for damaging other people’s livelihoods, whereby each time they select partners their victims end up...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, November 18, 2018,

I am now said to be very good at making a mess of other peoples show business career and I could never understand what it meant anyway, I just know that since these goons have some media to play with I have to come up with a new plan on how to run my life every 24 Hours and since that is the case have difficulty understanding which part of their incredibly stupid show business careers I mess with while they are doing so. The reality of the matter is the connections that these fools have after...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Saturday, September 8, 2018,

Now it is said that I am not only trapped by Americans but it has so applied they can do anything they please with my person and these two claims have no basis on reality as these guys cannot build a trap since they spend most of their time on criminal disobedience and a lot of clowning around with people’s feelings relying on their victims to do nothing about their stupidities so they might get away with it. The truth is rather that I have written a Book that is not vulnerable to a process...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, September 3, 2018,

I am said to be in total denial about the difficult position I have found myself which is not really the case – reality is that I end up pointing out one issue after another at Public work because the main problem is the Media and it is such an issue even for their managers that when told to arrange some Music on the radio it is in some way about me, making reference to my Estate and some Media personality trying to become an Arch Prince all together by replacing me. The outcome naturally i...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, August 21, 2018,

I hear I am hated because I have wrecked everything, I could not make out if it just happens to be other peoples lives and property I wrecked or shut down anyway; all I know is that these fools have not got a clue what they are doing and love to show up here to take over and provide leadership that leads to gang fight and counter gang fights, wars and counter wars and it would be nice if Politicians had stopped claiming they are the good part of the Country or the poorer ones are nice people ...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Friday, June 29, 2018,

I hear some people think they want to hurt me badly but I cannot tell if they are clever enough for that but found it so difficult to see that the business of showing up to run down my finances, get me all stuck by means of incredible disrespect with sensibilities of the powers their money may have because I am trying to run a Bookshop, then set me out as a tool into whose life social goons can insert their violent and gang based problem, knowing well that if I handled their own in the same w...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, June 25, 2018,

So I understand the trouble I find myself in with Politicians will never go away but its an old story of whether they have done another damage for the day to experiment on me and see what I would look like when I dealt with poverty and desperation and destitution and had to make a case of myself in public for it as well – I mean we understand why their whole lives are about making sure government is helping them to see me get into a fight that will make them feel comfortable because of the ...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, April 18, 2018,

So its not that I am completely incapable of handling the verbal and physical assaults I put up with from women anyway, the reality of the matter has always been as simple as pack mentality boss is having his corruption clipped so I might keep my job and then employer her as mistress and knowing we already have a history of her ending up with enough local community criminality to deal with for 3 lifetimes back to back when she threatens me on account she wants to deploy my life to make money,...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, April 15, 2018,

I do get told that I am nasty and cruel but its really difficult to locate what must be done as a service when what people need is a process where I go back to when I had not written my Book, to give them the information by speaking it on account they have no wish to pay for their own copy and to read it; when their media started these practical jokes it was a process of taking advantage but since then it has developed into something about my Books being a threat to them and therefore a need ...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, November 16, 2017,

We hear this story ever so often that my biggest problem happens to be my views about homosexuality and that it will get me into bigger problems before I had thought about changing it. So my views on homosexuality are not controversial ones either, I do not think that it matters to a stage of publicly organised conversation if people are homosexuals but I am a Christian and do not tend to think that it is a righteous act anyway: it is outright evil that we are talking about here and homosexua...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, March 21, 2017,

They claim I am always happy because I plug others into my problems, half the time of which when my Book of liabilities helps them with clinical depression it should be sold solely for that because they have no respect for others. I personally do think about whether I am always excited because it’s that scenario where poor people are usually the most generous because they understand what it is like to be poor, which is not the case and hence the reason they are always cracked up getting dee...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, March 9, 2017,

We understand all these matters to be completely avoidable if I had only stopped pretending Industry people care about me when they don’t; the reality of which is that the Industry people exist in another planet and somehow the worst case of seeing your work and livelihood become a plaything for them has to happen no matter what. Hence they dig when you step outside of your door and they dig when you step inside of your door and dig until they dig personal and family life and so I only need...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Saturday, January 21, 2017,

They say I have gotten quite used to the idea I can do anything and will not be questioned about it, but the reality is that every stupid insolent delusional nonsense from them about being more important than I am or deserving more recognition leads to financial suffering for me, while they find out excuses that can make them better off at the other end every single time, to a point where they are talking about those excuses as though they were part of reality. So we are not the same thing an...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, July 3, 2016,

I am aware I ought to mention of the state of affairs that suggests that people should be utterly afraid in the Country and I do not think that it matters as much as trouble maker media have become a lot more concerned with settling their stupidities up on where I stand on the matters either. It has always been simple that there is nothing gained when Politicians get out of bed to stand on public places and tell crowds of people to help rip up my finances because they want to be important –...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Saturday, June 6, 2015,

I hear I am this guy that does not actually have anal sex but set up a whole planetary atmosphere of it to make peoples nervous all the time but it is much the same old issue – there are communities of people that rely on my leadership and I am still wondering what those who are affiliated with a far superior human beings than I am are doing in it; so it’s the old story of destruction and the gathering of spare resources and it gives rise to the other tale they tell that my existence lead...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, May 26, 2015,

I am not saying I do not get warned about messing with the white race, I do, but it is largely a matter of the fact I can no longer have a relationship with my parents or indeed with the British Royals so I am stuck with abusive greed that only needs to detach you from your academic work and then every single part and orifice on your body will be game because they are taking it; so the full album will be that I am unable to have a relationship with my parents, unable to have any with the Roya...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Monday, May 18, 2015,

Of course it is said I am one of those people that are killing off UK economic frontiers which is utter nonsense, since the Politicians and their media idiots that are always getting clobbered by society people because they are bullies which is what all that moving into people’s right hand and living there permanently is all about in the first place, have been going about seeking fellow trouble makers from overseas to give visas to travel to the UK to make trouble for society and like to ta...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, April 5, 2015,

The activities that have become more prominent as practiced by Americans, either for reason of their civil rights disposition and forcing me to care about what happens to others because they want to make money with it or indeed a case of freedom and a Royal estate they can confiscate has always been met with the same feelings and reaction around here i.e. it does not trouble me in any way when we know the primary prognosis for a Politician to hold a government office in the US is that of bein...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, March 10, 2015,

They love those tales about respect issues and it is such a big problem for Mr Middle size like them and their insults and alternative lifestyles obviously but then again they are still masters of seeing people face the same challenges they do while consistently seeking a privilege that runs along the lines of calling them boys and girls because of the comparative age difference, then turn up to tell all these tales due to the fact they were actually hoping there will be enough respect and co...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, February 10, 2015,

Now it has become a really popular disposition these days for Labour Party Ministers to push their way into my atmosphere and personal space in order to settle a process where I can get angry all I want but will always do things in a way that makes them happen considering what is coming to me if I do not - would not know anyway, what I do know is that from the tramps on the streets to the fanatics and supporters and Ministers, nobody has an empirical explanation for why that party is so destr...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, January 21, 2015, In : Social: Court locality, Court fringes, Whors in service 

The story of stealing the careers of journalists and celebrities is of course one of those issues that forces you to take a look at the nasty habits of Caribbean and Afro Caribbeans who live in the UK and screw around as much as they like, thinking their very nasty habits has given them the means to control everybody and at the end get fame out of it too – for of course it is so easy in the UK to do so bearing in mind if they vote for Labour the government funds it and you stop short of cal...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, January 15, 2015, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

Now the story of always being dominated by black people isn’t actually based on truth or reality; what is true is that black people want to be my parents because it would be pleasurable because it will give them the energy they need to face each day and so we have all sorts from South Africans to Ghanaians and Liberians and every nook and cranny in which black people live in the world in the UK expecting that from me because they never give those insults a rest as it were which they themsel...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, January 13, 2015, In : Useless seniors??? 

I hear it said I never do a thing on time because I have not got a clue what I am doing the middle some git who wants the prestige of the rich and successful every single second of his time but what is true is that I cannot breathe on account of millionaire civil and criminal disobedience around my earnings and book sales; every time I build the market they have no plans to change their attitude and attract customers if they can insert their own products using media and abuses that make me to...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Friday, February 14, 2014,

So there is naturally this talk people wish to get into of what they want to see on the streets about me, I don’t mind very much because it comes always after I must have either said something about the real questions which are whether I am using peoples society and culture and wickedness to get things done because I want to oppress them of which the answer is always a yes. However I do wonder what it is exactly they wish to see on the streets anyway when this particular question and the an...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Saturday, November 9, 2013,

Of course I am aware there are better ways I can conduct my business other than the ways I have chosen – hence the process where those who keep the Queens sexual desires will take it away from me yapping; it would have involved showing off my status which then creates a process where people follow me because I have something special and the only evil black people can do would be concerned with being fans and then I would be strong and then people would be able to see they will get beaten up...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, October 16, 2013,

Now I have no idea why I endlessly need to prove myself to women anyway, all I do know however is that none of what they complain about would happen if they keep their insults between them and their families; anybody can get tired of taking stock everyday – did she really say or do that, check how old I am, did she really get away with it (?) etc – every blessed day and the men that will handle me for doing something that has created this sense I do not have a good record in the books of ...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Tuesday, April 23, 2013, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

So there is talk out there that they did not know I had these things in me, when I speak of their cultural evils but of course the main issues remain that if it is your property, if there are a million money mad murderers after you, you can always find security for anything you are doing, so that when they have a habit of barging in and taking over and making things worse and then failing to deliver the security, in order to tell me about their problems and so on, they know they are provoking...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, March 10, 2013, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

The idea that media is taking over my career is utter rubbish as well; nonsense all together, maybe the ultimate desire of parents that betray their Christian children to the world in a bid to get rich, which no parent will get from me in hell, so they can continue doing the life style thing and telling lies as much as they want. However for the media it has become annoying and confrontational i.e. the outcome of all they do since it is impossible to steal my career is the creation of another...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, February 27, 2013, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

So we hear people speak of their body clock these days and the fact peoples body clock have been interrupted and so on; my body clock has not been interrupted, a simple process where I have to put up with peoples intense stupidities over a certain period of time temporarily which they then work on media to run into years and then decades is not the same thing as having my actual body clock interrupted, just really, really, really tiresome and they need to get themselves and their media off my...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Thursday, January 17, 2013, In : Social: Court locality, Court fringes, Whors in service 

Now I am aware of this talk of Campaigns for a United Ireland in Northern Ireland, I have no idea where some people get such ideas from for my part, since Northern Ireland was unable to be part of Ireland some hundreds of years ago but it seems will have a better chance of being a part of it in the modern age. Besides which the idea of a United Ireland and a campaign for it tends to suggest that Ireland is disunited as it stands and so this remains a question by itself. I always say personall...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Sunday, October 21, 2012, In : Useless seniors??? 

So recent preoccupation is obviously that I will continue to provoke certain fools and their media until there is a public uprising on account of me but clearly such things are raised as a point because they are not aware I will isolate the Monarchy from it and they will fight me to their hearts content and the world will hear very little about it. I mean there is no social group of people in this country that does my livelihood any favours, the particularly notorious are the civil rights idi...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Social: Court locality, Court fringes, Whors in service 

Created and posted Jan 09, 2012, moved to blog on blog date

The idea I have problems with my tummy and therefore am no longer publicly presentable is absolute rubbish. I have no problems with my tummy, I just have frequent tummy issues because I am really uncomfortable; try having breakfast while idiots are taking away your breath and then while it continues lunch 6 hours later. It does strange things to the tummy and then you begin to see them get on media to make up their own facts of...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

Created and posted Dec 28, 2011, moved to blog on blog date

All there is to it is that there is this ever present big issue about the 'in your face' thing, with respect to my books and the things people use them for and more so to rob me of any sales too, top of the list of course being the changing the world in their taste thing. It does not trouble me as such because they are really immoral people and so if they decided to get off their wickedness and then thereafter do revolution, it wou...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

Created and posted Oct 13, 2011, moved to blog on blog date

The issue these days is how the downgrade of Bank ratings has something to do with me whereas the issue is that of a global financial problem which means that they do not have as much money as they used to hence cannot have the ratings they used to have. So if somebody were to print money into the economy of their Countries, the rest of the world will suck it out as it stands and that would not make a dent on the problem, hence...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Social: Court locality, Court fringes, Whors in service 

Created and posted Sep 13, 2011, moved to blog on blog date

The idea that I am rather very fond of and regularly lose my temper which harms me, my job and Policy making is not actually correct. I do not lose my temper and never have-the issue is that of a collection of people that want to have the kind of peace that my Christian faith gives me without being a Christian. So what they intend to do is make me very uncomfortable over a long period of time keeping records and making scandals ...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

Created and posted Jun 03, 2011, moved to blog on blog date

Again this issue comes up on the media which brands me the genocide supporter. I personally do not know what these idiots want from me, I am not a Politician, I do not lie for a living. I am a Diplomat, I must be on the ground when things happen. What do they think genocide is supposed to happen on, facts or thin air? The fight is always the fight no body wants to know when somebody has killed another but the other should alway...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Social: Court locality, Court fringes, Whors in service 

Created and posted Apr 18, 2011, moved to blog on blog date

The great problem has always been how to protect ourselves from being robbed by the young and free men and their boys; for the women it is the point where they claim to be the men who work for the interests of women, such nonsense of which will never make sense and for men like myself, I am perpetually having one thing or another that would be good for the country if I did on their orders but refused to and will pay for treache...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Social: Court locality, Court fringes, Whors in service 

Created and posted Apr 03, 2011, moved to blog on blog date

It is not true that I do not have anything better to do with my time than get stupid girls out of trouble; the problem here is that my sisters are so vast in number I rely on their own discretion to avoid being taken advantge of with my big heart, so in actual fact I am not interested in what any idiot thinks about it. In any case of which it would not have to become a problem if they do not abuse them because of their silly de...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

Created and posted Mar 21, 2011, moved to blog on blog date

I intend to treat this question with a completely off hand an approach as possible:

The UN resolution 1973 is not a crusade however if there are no institutional wickedness that have been sifted deduced crystaliased and described, designed to rob people of agency and choice then there would be no reason it should stand in as one.


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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Social: Court locality, Court fringes, Whors in service 

Created and posted Mar 10, 2011, moved to blog on blog date

There are no friend bashing issues here just the usual evils that those who operate work based oppressions on others love to carry out, to wind people up to the point of acting and in this case I have been returning the favour of the work based oppressions, which earns me their hate as if there is anything they can do about it.

The main issue here is that being exasperated for years over my income by fools, they have reached the ...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

Created and posted Feb 02, 2011, moved to blog page on blog date

No government would levy taxes on people that they cannot afford, maybe it is the Labour Party that needs to stop ruining peoples lives so they might start all over again and other people can then copy or see what making the money they earn is all about in order to do it as well.

It is not somebody else’s fault that vices exist, in fact it is the acts of those who just want to see somebody desperate but cannot access what ...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

Created and posted Jan 21, 2011, moved to blog on blog date

Lets begin with the idea of my spending less time with American friends and fans which is considered a problem but isn’t at all a problem as long as those who make up stories by which they separate people from their means after pushing them into other peoples leadership are taken care of then everybody will be fine; I will fight my corner like everybody else. As for the idea I go to peoples countries to grab their fans it does no...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

Created and posted Jan 18, 2011, moved to blog on blog date

I am keeper of the British Armed forces, I cannot perceive any anxiety anywhere.The issue here is that these trouble makers are too insolent for their own good.They are always looking for somebody to blame for their own failures. When I provide renaissance for the Armed Forces, they get off to the UK ministry of defence to create corruptions and that is just the UK alone, after which they set about bothering other countries and the...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

Created and posted Jan 10, 2011, moved to blog on blog date

It began from demanding perversions from my faith of which we well know everything they do is a factor and function of insolence and violence-intimidation. Once they discovered that was closed off, it has now progressed onto work based oppressions with spiritual impressions and if I am remembering correctly, all of it began at that point where they took a look at me and my age and decided on the location of a new generation that th...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

Created and posted Jan 05, 2011, moved to blog on blog date 

The only reason I would be concerned about those who create problems for themselves based on the successes of others, for the purpose of power they can oppress those that are more important than they are by the deployment of their laziness with is simply the matter of business and money and the process of being in a place where I can do nothing to defend my market because Prostitutes with alternative jobs and their mad men hav...

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Posted by Ikpe Uno on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ 

Created and posted on a previously existed forum on Jan 02, 2011 - moved to blog page on blog date

It is remarkable how the sexual abuse of people as a function of every other form of abuse and vile treatment without actual sexual contact never gets discussed by these trouble makers, who always have the audacity to hold other people down and brew it into their lives, who claim they don't need any religion to tell them what is moral and what is not as if it was actually about them.


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It does eventually get jointed on this claims of Land wars in Europe by the Politicians - I would not know for my part anyway, all I know is that they need to keep off my books as it appears I know what I am doing and they have not got a clue especially the Media and black people by the way are getting more abusive because they are on their way out so their side of the story is always completely irrelevant. Its the great old case of men seeking to move into my right hand side and live there, Politicians exposing that and exposing my feelings and detaching me from my personal life with very inhumane insults they practice in their secrete societies so it might be possible and they all have popular culture and girls with them that want to be rich and famous and those are rather always happy to squander all I have and turn up on the streets in designer cloths to pretend they are feminists with placards in hand. 

Maybe its because twisted women and their small armies in the backyard like these hate me enough to see me dead if I don't hand over all my Royal Privileges for them to enjoy life with but I have got my eyes on them too and they will make even more mistakes than they are at present, so I envisage the consequences are going to consistently climb higher. I do not think that this is a complicated issue; some women simply make people ill - when you are still sane it is rather impossible to work out whether it is the problems they create for you or the fact there are things they do to ensure you are overcome with it that seems to be the issue depending on where their ignorance guides them and when a male idiot thinks he wants to get you ask why questions. However they have become rather fond of issuing threats at me, Media and Popular culture being where most of their set up seems to occur while the fashion Industry is supposed to have known I am in imminent danger with a big mouth but it is the process of kicking their Politicians which means nobody gets to walk away from damaging my business to help them please themselves, so as to determine the National treasury is the point at which people get rich or poor which of course is not a life I chose never the less of which they damage mine and give me none of theirs in the first place anyway if you can call it theirs at all.

Now I understand it is said the problems Politicians and certain vagabond Royals create for me has now reached a stage where it is beginning to deprive me of allies and there is no such thing; what is really happening is that I have clearly allowed this matter to grow too big, Politicians have become way too fond of asking people to meet them at local surgeries where they plan some trust system by which they divulge tax payer funds to help those who vote for them and because of that they have come to feel when they issue accusations at people others can implement violence against them without asking questions, they have come to feel if they want another person’s possessions they can always have it and in my view I have allowed it grow too big as well and it has reached a point where it is being used to threaten me, a point where they can squander all I own on the needs of their fools while preserving their own salaries and possessions but that it has become a threat to my friends and allies will now create a whole new kettle of fish all together as well, way beyond the part where time and again they are after the National treasury and a need to have a place at the advertising Industry and each time their obsession with making money at the treasury and using popular culture fame and fortune to cover their tracks so nobody might ever find out leads them to think they can always handle me and handle my books and the result will eventually be that I break it for them as well, since the reality is that we have no idea when it started getting suggested that the way things work is Royalty and Media getting along, it’s just that I can do and undo with them that it is possible to get into their media establishments and select myself a working Court. The blacks have come to realise I am not going to co-operate that much with my finances and possessions and want to leave me battered but are on their way out either way but it is the media that will decide how it is going to be - my way or their own. They do speak of their young people being a threat to me as something I need to respect of course and it is utter nonsense – I mean in the UK people are so modern that if I am British and I am older than they are, they are more British than I am, especially the blacks, because their stupid parents tell them so; it goes beyond the battle between Politicians and these foolish parents which the Politicians have lost, now the idiots are able to make the pay for crime and rehabilitation, child benefit, prisons, housing benefit, job seekers allowance and if they want to mental health disability support as well. When I returned to the UK in 2001 what I saw in this Country was a bubble that existed between everybody else and prisons that Politicians could do whatever they like with and it fundamentally meant that they had a problem with people that were introverted because they were said to have stolen personal lives from important people who really needed it and so this need to detach me from my personal life of which they do not believe in God and do not want the Christian bits only that I should have a popularity state of affairs created whereby I can hand over the benefits whenever it comes in for them to be glorious with and the wickedness went beyond that to parents that told their children to stand in front of the shop for hours on end for thinking religion and morality was a good thing especially for the girls – having taken hold of and broken everything around and about it to pieces they are still hanging around me looking for another way and I shall kick their own in really soon for my part too and those stupid threats that ensure I cannot do my academic work will likely be the cause of that. 

I am rather very comfortable with a life of friends and allies that help me out with awareness and publicity that the general public has about me and my work, so there has always been that life with the friends and allies on one hand while they exist on the other but as I said the blacks have realised I am not going to co-operate much and their violence and sexual context abuses they think they will get away with it supposed to have been an exit wound with a big mouth but having been they are on their way out anyway, it is the media that is poised to determine how it will go as well and I can understand them saying it now means I have dropped off them and dropped off their radar but if I have to deal with their stupid women clinging to my Royal Estate and leaning on to have babies again when I do not want people to do that obviously I will be back on that stupid radar again. As it stands the important change is that it has cost me much and threatening me will open up a whole new kettle of fish over the matter whereby riots do not happen in the UK anymore until the Politicians had risked all for it or until I had said so - so yes there have been changes since I arrived on the scene - this is not their lives, it is not where they live and we do hear they do not want to see my Books in their communities now that they have been helped into such dispositions by their idiots at Parliament but it does not mean there will be no punishments for handling the products either, it is not their products or property and I do not care what the excuses are even though they think media means I should with a big mouth. So when they say I steal jobs from Politicians this is the main issue i.e. if their women would please not turn up at my Royal Estate to lean on it and have babies and they would please keep off my employability,book sales and finances and stop squandering my possessions because people like to think they look amusing when they are at it and then there will be no problems - otherwise it can be very difficult indeed to tolerate that involvement with peoples work and possessions just so they can express the underbelly of their civil and criminal disobedience and they do like to claim its power which is what causes people to become so attracted to it - the colloquialism here is that it is their own that people get to use in such ways.

I hear I have so few friends because I am The Queens pet – but I am not The Queens pet, what happens does because these popularity idiots have no plans to find another way of making a living save chasing my anus and penis to deploy my war and peace sensibilities to get rich and famous like they can give to the frugal and I never worry about it when they handle it either because it will blow up really soon and this is the part that they find amusing at the Monarchy where they say I am The Queens pet. So its 24/7 with these socialist idiots endlessly – assassinating peoples leaders is the life, wrecking peoples finances and ripping up their personal life everyday over wealth inequality is the life and if I don’t take care I will get seriously beaten up too; so that we all know when you kick them as much the things they have done to hurt people cannot remain secret anymore and there will be problems really soon but they are seen around my finances and book sales every single day especially the blacks issuing threats because they will do nothing with their stupid lives save they do it that way as a result of which they say what I say about terrorism is amazing but to me it is not since I know the next street protest anywhere in this world in the next 24 hours is likely to have had an undercurrent of how I exasperate socialists.

Naturally the whole business of the appearance I do not seem to work hard enough on security matters, which creates this outcome where people need to assist me as they believe I am not strong enough to handle certain issues, which is quite right, except each time they back onto the fact I am Royalty and it is probable what I think about doing is something I know how to tackle i.e. the only way that those who are stronger than I am and fear for my safety will have their own safety jeopardised by something I am doing will be when I am not working hard enough on it and this largely refers to criminality matters, such as young people and criminals chasing addiction and attacking people randomly to ensure they secure finances and market for it - same as smoke screen for criminality Media Journalists relentless and ever abiding disobedient practical jokes with peoples livelihood and finances, when they wish to interpret their civil rights as a process of extracting an income from the wealthy city centre without having to do any more work for it than has been imposed on them by force, it therefore usually gives way to the throwing peoples valuables to fat cats that they and the young people who follow them at popular culture work so hard to prepare themselves to do, that they believe absolutely everybody is taken by the stories they tell of work being imposed on them and of course at the heart of the supply of start up finances and mobility for such things is a bit too much of Politicians showing up in peoples lives.
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