Created and posted Dec 28, 2011, moved to blog on blog date
All there
is to it is that there is this ever present big issue about the 'in your face'
thing, with respect to my books and the things people use them for and more so
to rob me of any sales too, top of the list of course being the changing the
world in their taste thing. It does not trouble me as such because they are
really immoral people and so if they decided to get off their wickedness and
then thereafter do revolution, it would have been a completely blood less
revolution that was just change and not revolution but it is rather revolution
that they always want so that is the one they will make sure that they have. If
I am angry about anything, I am about the disrespect for my right to earn from
a job because people are changing the world in their taste and I will for this
hurt them seriously before it gets any better as it were but where I am sure I
am likely to live up to such threats in itself is all that rubbish about
putting an end to being the oppressed by having their own people to oppress aka
I am the Christian, they are the ones that wish the Anti-Christ rules the world
but are then enforcing the will of the anti-Christ by making sure they are
oppressing the Christian, getting oppressed by the anti-Christ, then hurting
the Christian to do revolution in order to pass the baton of power unto
themselves, which will mean no body will intervene when they become powerful
and oppress the Christian with a big mouth.
For now I have gone so far as to take care of that bloody coward stuff about
how their daughters and wives bully me because they are bigger than me and of
course with respect to which if they want that stupid left they fucking know
where I am and can come and get it. pushing me any further with their stupid
cowardice by which I write books but because somebody handles printing machines
it ends up in china where socialist idiots are making films and does revolution
all over the world, where every idiot wants power bearing in mind they have
access to me through rented accommodation security operatives, about which I am
certain the Politicians will rob me off as I can perceive already in the new
year and then I will go hay wire with whatever is bothering them as well. They
claim they were once nice guys and finished last and now they have somebody to
take advantage of they must make as much as they can from it, I say they want
to be bad and I will personally see to it that they are as bad as they can
possibly become.
Next I will be enemy of the US which is a place that no body wants to find
themselves. The US where people get themselves messed up in Islamic terrorism
and then set about getting into a state to solve the problem they mean.
These things are not unusual; I am supposed to be able to sell my books, I am
supposed to know what I am doing. What do people mean making changes to the
world with my literary work, I don’t know how to look after it when others
touch it? I mean you are going about your business like everybody else but
because you are a Christian some idiot turns up, gets help from provocative
Politicians and keeps ruining your life daily on Public Television and
everywhere else because he wants the rule of the Anti-christ and expects to be
the homosexual when that happens so he can be rich; as I said their daughters
and wives can bully me because they feel they are bigger alright but that is as
much, they know where I am and can come get that stupid left if they want.
As for the trying for as many people as possible rubbish, it is the biggest
nonsense ever too. There is no such thing; the fact here is that just because
any who follows or admires me has this problem of being in a place where people
attack them for being in a condition where they can take advantage of me but do
not, does not necessarily mean that any scum must turn up to have access to me
rather than buy my books if they want to get involved with me so they can get
in touch with idiots to whom they can sell me out to be rich and famous,
believing that no body will ever get offended by it. it is the real world we
live in not those that stupid fantasies which have no limits. The only thing
that annoys me about what they do and what trouble they get into is that excuse
they create for a product all the time so they can extract lots of money from
my market place, which they do according to the wickedness that stirs inside of
All there is to it is a simple problem in the form of the fact with everything
I do comes the rhetorical message as insolently as possible on Public Media
which asks where I had stolen that and has what I have worked for taken away
from me which is what Politics helps people to with excuses that cannot be
exhausted these days, then there is the other which has to do with the fact
what I have is not my size and the effect on my work and earnings is exactly
the same and then the last which have to do with being poised in a place where
each and every single thing I do is blown away to the world as somebody else's
doing-most times of which I catch on and recover but they had taken the money
already because they deserve it more. So evidently what they think will keep me
from doing the damages I can do in the circumstances as well is prostitutes and
Now they claim everything I do is provocative; I personally guess so anyway
because I might be a writer but soon I am finding my self in a competition with
a Politicians and his winning is predetermined anyway, same with media and
every other idiot there is but the damages they have done to my career to make
it happen of which is just one of those things that happen in life, like the
wind with a big mouth.
This has led me to set myself up for failure, then find out how the entire
world will make me fail. Of course they find it insulting and I find it amazing
that public place media racist idiots should find anything insulting.
Their Politicians on the other hand like to make so much noise because they can
provoke others by spending their career on society idiots that will vote for
them, when they have such things, claiming that if it is not given to them they
will become criminals. This has also led me to ensure that since my Legal
career and academic work is already being spent on idiots that want it spent on
them to prevent them from being criminals by those who want to push the
Christian into gang trouble and fight gangs for him, I need to spend my writing
career on the same idiots as well and now they claim I am worse off, which I
don’t understand; since I am now in a position where they will tick me off the
wrong way in the coming year as well, since it is impossible to fathom what is
so appealing to them about being seen to show conspiracies mustered against me
from their evil secrete societies on Politics and Media where they help culture
idiots to spend peoples career and think theirs cannot be lest the country be
affected, so that I can spend it on expenses incurred for spending my writing
career while they spend my legal career on fools that I really should ensure if
they threaten to be criminals are actually criminals indeed as they want it.
I am not worse off I am only warning these media and Political bully
cowards-who think that because they tell people they can bully me and get me to
make up a name for what has happened to me such rubbish might happen in
reality; not leaving me alone will eventually lead to death and I will not be
responsible; for now they are the ones that have jobs where people talk too
much around here and should be dealing with all that power getting everywhere
when they spend my legal career on society idiots that threaten to be criminals
and I spend my writing career on those as well, not tell me about threats they
can pose to me with a large gob.
As I said, they want to be bad and I intend to personally see that they are.
Their sibling based discrimination is exactly what it means:-their desire to be
criminals and I can always give them that, no such thing as fear. Besides which
it blows my mind how we royals are responsible for racism in the world but when
it looks like we are blamed for it sibling based discrimination takes off and
it becomes something unfathomable because everybody tends to see it as
something outside the normal way in which the human mind should operate.
"We know how to spend other people's career to feel good about life".
I do not mean money as that would be conventional, no, I mean get into peoples
lives spend their careers and treat them like children; because that is their
power. I would not know about it anyway but I am pretty sure those who always
claim they are good people do, although they never put it that way in public
after these sociopath idiots of theirs have followed me around everywhere to
demand from others a bigger version of what I get which is mentally
disturbingly embarrassing.
The name of the game always seems to be that I am meant to be terrified of my
own imagination (aka laziness; as though we are equals)-to the point where I
avoid it and stay away from it completely (the irony of it), otherwise I will
never get a job and any job I have will never pay me. Hence I am always bumping
into the suggestion in what happens to be my own life and work not theirs.
In : Global Diplomacy Community HQ