Creative Asset and Administration of the Trust

Security on Politicians, Civil perversion by the famous and Public funds based fools errand

So there is great talk I care nothing about the civil rights of others but no body knows whether chasing and hunting me to damage me livelihood, barge into my life and keep me from the rest of the world and turn me into one of those people who offer spiritual leadership, so that I can later lead people onto somwhere and mass murder them for it, is civil rights or that hunting me within the same process to do damages to my livelihood like it is something they are given the legal right to do unto the media and unto the internet where they tell lots of lies, is also civil rights.It appears to them that while they think they can cover up with stories about how they do not want power with respect to the things they do, they will be able to do these things on grounds of telling me to come outside for a fight and get away with the destruction as well, which is why they lie so much.    

I am not for one second suggesting it is a difficult issue, it is nothing but Culture, lies and theme tunes on wealth grabbing and like I said before with those stupid new democracy once they want something of which whenever they do they must always have, they lie a lot, it is almost impossible to believe people can lie that much and that compulsively. To me they have got nothing to do with civil rights, they are the devil children and nothing more and a typical example of what can happen is what they have done to me and my finances for their purpose. This is the fact I suppose has not been cleared up until now.


THE ROYAL HERMITAGE POLITICS & BRAND MARKET INFLUENCE ADMINISTRATION - LITERARY OFFICE AT PIRACY & OTHER THREAT BASED TRADE WRITING. WELCOME TO THE BOOKSHOP Author's Office & Service: Bookshop Private Royal Boudoir | Being that Journalism and Media is more concerned with business connections and top Jobs, Celebrities with Career Gladiators | safe Readers & Broker Operational environment Admin. MEN'S WORLD its allies shifted from the Educated to the Culture Violent & Politically Generous, majoring in Wealthy ruffian Play Boys (a recovered Failure's eating disorder). WOMEN'S WORLD its outlook shifted from information abuse to control by Social bullying, now well settled on Bear bating and mixing of personalities to create latest pornography as well, overseas and public violence its main specialism - popularity Industry self advancement, which includes riches and excludes work, the profit (entertainment sexual context abuses & involvement vandalism). INDUSTRIAL & WEALTH EQUITY Please be aware: all our images are subject to Copyright and used only for purpose illustration from an external Source only and some have in nature and context not been License Purchased. Perhaps being beaten down with the Financial Benefits of my own wealth equality structures and Assets may cease, much as security Equity for Public life based Business as specific to the Hermitage may flourish.



The announcement of hate was apparently a story that never went away but as equally as it is incredibly simple for Celebrities and popular idiots to cease threatening my very human survival with stupid comments made to extricate my personal security and safety as a tool for trading with their enemies, which is the most perverse way to view my Intellectual Property Administration career for the purpose of silly lifestyle catch-up that they had put all I had worked for to and the Industry idiots to remove every statement which suggests I picked up a job too big for me or a job they were supposed to do, from their conversations and dialogue, as it has the same effect as the Celebrity gimmicks, to an extent where there is contact with my Books and damage done to Public interest in the shop.

The finance abuse gimmicks we know is a practical joke about the way I am a bitch that is never satisfied while others were fighting my wars but we know there has been physical contact made with my career to work those jokes and that those concerned were active on the two fronts where they nearly built up world war three, in a bid to eliminate instances where I got to suggest they needed to eliminate all their enemies if they were so dissatisfied about their place in the world on one side, whilst on the other they were engaged with a  business of creating an unusual environment for trading where it continues what is so far a 2 decade long mess of my career, seeking instances where it got to make me do something I do not want to from across the Atlantic because I had little choice, with a big mouth.

These are the available alternative responses for a result where Clients are afraid to engage with my products due to fear that practical jokes will wreck Business for their employers - any human being could only tolerate so much of it.

The funny part of it as we are made to believe it was, bore towards the claim they successfully ran me down and ensured I had become an obscure character - the reality is that there is still a part of me that wishes them well due to my work and so it transpires that I wish them well too much for my own good. It is not a crisis for me in anyway, as such activities could easily produce results where the blacks provided me self-improvement, the whites built communities that fingered my bum for which I developed a public profile for them and built a crowd that will attack them violently for it too, while the German influence 90 second abuse videos for money making gimmick, will have me take from them all that mattered in their lives, every time we met because they claimed that Money is King.

The important facts are that these were a product of an incredibly abusive activity where the purpose of insults and abuses were to ensure I incurred a state of mind where I could no longer hold a believe that a person who engaged in criminal activities or approved of those who did was an unsavoury character, their problem is that they had to wish to have me make them deal with rising issues recurrently every single day, which is what I am doing - always so abusive and never stopped until it really did.

Posted 17 weeks ago
Naturally the whole business of the appearance I do not seem to work hard enough on security matters, which creates this outcome where people need to assist me as they believe I am not strong enough to handle certain issues, which is quite right, except each time they back onto the fact I am Royalty and it is probable what I think about doing is something I know how to tackle i.e. the only way that those who are stronger than I am and fear for my safety will have their own safety jeopardised by something I am doing will be when I am not working hard enough on it and this largely refers to criminality matters, such as young people and criminals chasing addiction and attacking people randomly to ensure they secure finances and market for it - same as smoke screen for criminality Media Journalists relentless and ever abiding disobedient practical jokes with peoples livelihood and finances, when they wish to interpret their civil rights as a process of extracting an income from the wealthy city centre without having to do any more work for it than has been imposed on them by force, it therefore usually gives way to the throwing peoples valuables to fat cats that they and the young people who follow them at popular culture work so hard to prepare themselves to do, that they believe absolutely everybody is taken by the stories they tell of work being imposed on them and of course at the heart of the supply of start up finances and mobility for such things is a bit too much of Politicians showing up in peoples lives.
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